Chocolate Milk Rain (Warning: implied shipping. Please be nice)

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Jordan (this’ll be fun ^^)

I strolled(like a boss) to the entrance of the plum plant. I looked behind me at the four others and raised an eyebrow. “You coming with or naw?” I asked coolly, my glasses sliding down my nose.

“Oh, right.” Tyler replied startled at the sudden question. Typical Tyler.

“I’ll take you guys to the forest so we can meet the others their. You should see the badass hideout we have.” I placed my hands in my pockets and casually jumped to the base of the tree. I didn’t bother looking behind me, no point. I landed on my feet without losing balance and didn’t break stride when I felt the ground under me.

The sky was as perfectly pink but clouds started to roll in but I didn’t really care at this point. I was more interested with getting the hell out. I walked onwards while the others followed behind me. Agh, they were so slow. It annoyed me.

“Are you gonna hurry up or not?” I questioned as I turned around and crossed my arms, “We don’t have all day. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.” Now that I said it, I realized how right I was. In the slowly setting sun-filled sky a herd of clouds started to gather. Storm clouds. But honestly, they were just slightly less white than normal. I mean, this place is ridiculously girly. Not that I really care, but if I had to put money on someone being the King I’d put it one Ant or Mitch, or anyone who acts really manly.

Then, suddenly, without any warning what-so-ever, it just started to downpour. Not just any drizzle, like flat out monsoon. Wait a second. I put my tongue out to test the rain. Chocolate milk?! Seriously? Whoever this King person is has a very girly mind, unless it was a girl. But besides Kennan, who is very likely to be the King, I don’t really know anyone else who could think of this. I shrugged it off and started a mad dash for the nearby gumdrop forest with the others sprinting behind.

I stopped as soon as I got under a cave structure under a bright red gumdrop. I took a piece of it off and bit into it. Tasted like cherry. The other five-five?Oh right, I forgot that Bash had come with us. The other four, plus Bash, ran under their own gumdrops in pairs. Ty and Adam, Bash and Tyler, and that left Jason with me. Fitting. The two actors, the two complete idiots who laugh 90% of the time, and the two people who actually know what their doing. Jason looked at me through his helmet. Wait- helmet?

“Since when did you have you helmet?” I casually asked him.

“Um...What are you talking about…?” his hand went for his face and instead of meeting skin, felt glass. “What?!” Jason was startled. Very startled. “I didn’t have this on about fifteen minutes ago. Nobody told me I had it!” the spaceman panicked. “I mean...I guess it’s okay. I have my helmet back...that’s good right?” Jason stared at me for an answer. To be honest, I had no clue.

“I guess.” I shrugged. I wasn’t letting him see that I didn’t know, so I don’t care was the best way to go in my mind.

“Hey! We should sleep here until it stops raining, plus it’s night time now!” I heard Bash yell from under his stop beneath a gigantic green gumdrop.

“Cool!” Adam added from his and Ty’s light blue one.

“Sounds good!” I shouted back.

Jason and I crawled to opposite sides of the candy and put our heads down. I didn’t sleep. I couldn’t. I didn’t even want too. For a couple hours I laid there thinking. About how I missed the world. The real world. My world. About how I missed other things as well, like Ant. If he were here he would support me and help me get the others to the base faster. Oh well...

I sighed softly and slowly fell asleep.

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