Rainbow Exploding Creeper of Bubblegum

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“What the fuck is that!?” Tyler yelled. He was startled, not like Jason though, half way their.

“Is that a...creeper?” Jason said, now he was startled. This would be awesome if it weren’t for the fact that their was a creeper below us. I looked over the edge and pretty much burst out laughing. This was a creeper? Standing under us was probably the least scary thing I’ve ever seen. Not just any creeper, a rainbow creeper.

“So that’s what the mobs look like here. Wait why…” Tyler’s voice trailed away and was replaced with laughter from all of us. It had dark purple eyes, and a yellowish-green mouth. And its body was rainbow colored.

“Wow-okay.” Ty said staring at it. At this pointthe creeper had noticed we were here.

“Push.” I said quietly when I  basically punched Tyler off the tree.

“Oh fuck! Adam!” Tyler yelled after he landed. He was rubbing his head and backing away from the creeper all at once. I started to hear the normal “hissssss” that a creeper makes. I looked over and saw that neither Ty or Jason were trying to get him back up, instead they were laughing hysterically. Boom. The creeper blew up. I looked back down and saw what was probably the weirdest thing I creeper could do. Tyler was standing there, still fully alive, gazing at the air that had once been a creeper. Instead of a creeper, it was a pile of bubblegum. Wait, what? How? I started to laugh uncontrollably with the others. Tyler was in a state of shock.

“What. The. Fuck. Was. That?.” Tyler said in an almost angry tone, but he was laughing too.

“It was a creeper, duh.” Ty replied, smiling in a sarcastic tone.

“Should we call Kennan to ask about it?” I wondered aloud. “Maybe she could explain to us what the hell that was.”

“Ok, I guess.” Ty said. He rang the golden bell with the velvet string, and almost instantly, Kennan appeared behind us in the tree.

“How’s it going?!” she yelled happily.

“Ahh!” Jason fell off the tree.

“Really? Am I that scary? Really?” Kennan said shaking her head disapprovingly. The suddenly she smiled. Kennan flew down to the bottom of the tree and with a snap of her fingers teleported Ty and I down with her.

“So I see you found a creeper. You can take the gum if you want. It is dead, I don’t think it will care.” she said, eyeing the pile of bubblegum in front of her.  She started to smile again. “There's no danger here, if that’s what you're wondering. The mobs here are totally harmless, the only way you guys can die is by killing each other. But. I don’t think you wanna do that, so yeah…” Kennan’s voice trailed away. And again she closed her eyes and was brought back to a smile. “So did you like the rainbow exploding creeper of bubblegum?”

“Wait...what?” Ty said smiling.

“Rainbow exploding creeper of bubblegum, cool name, right?” she asked us. At this point I was on my back laughing hysterically.

This is amazing! I never want to leave here!

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