Hello, Mr. Loki...

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He believed that if Thor was there, he surely wouldn't understand why that crazy girl was important for Loki or how the sensation of finally touching her pleased him. No, nobody would understand when he would walk side by side with destruction herself. Yes, in these days who would hunt them down would definitely attack the pair without thinking twice if they were found. After all, they weren't exactly good friends with humans on Earth.

The god of mischief didn't believe that all those people in Midgard deserved his protection. Humans, so unstable... Making wars for nothing, falling in love and falling out of love too quickly, easily being hateful towards each other and also forgetting important things easily as if they have no value at all.

He didn't understand how such insignificant creatures could have any importance in the life of Asgardians...

Once, Odin said that when he listened to a sincere and pure request coming from one of the things would be different, and Loki would understand that those creatures were worthy of his interference. How is it possible that a nation that caused great destruction and forgot completely what they had even a little bit of purity remaining on them?

Maybe it was on that conversation with his father that this part of the story began...

Many years before the story we know, in any time of the prince's daily life, while he was reading an old book below a beautiful tree on the Asgardian castle's garden he heard deep in his soul a child's afflicted whisper and startled, he looked around for the wounded little one, not that the god had any desire to help them, but he would do it nonetheless. However, he didn't find anyone.

When the voice stopped, despite being puzzled, the one with the green eyes decided to ignore whatever that was and he would have forgotten in little time the irrelevant episode if the fragile voice hadn't come back during a month, insistent like any other young individual could be. Strangely, the sensation that this call caused was different from all the other times' people tried to communicate with him by a similar method while being afar.

Tired of the annoying and nosy child but also worried with his sanity, Loki swallowed part of his pride and went to the Father of All to ask for advice, obviously not before searching in almost all books he hadn't read for something that could stop the voices in his head and given that he didn't have success in his search, he had to resort to his last source.

Odin was surprised when the son told what happened, so surprised that he stared at him with a certain nostalgia, long enough for the other to be even more uneasy. Before he could enter in despair thinking he was with some kind of fatal disease the king smiled proudly and said:

"Relax my son, you're only hearing a call from Midgard"

Father of All looked so happy with the situation that Loki felt relatively good on being the cause of the monarch's emotional satisfaction after all this didn't happen very often, even in his most remote memories.

When asking the fatherly figure why all the commotion he simply continued saying "Humans in your majority don't believe in us anymore, Loki. There was a time where they idolized and begged to heaven for our interference but it has been many centuries since I didn't hear their prayers that I believed that none of them would ever call for us with enough strength so that we would be able to hear them again. I'm happy with this child you hear, even if you find their choice of who to ask for help a tad bit strange"- He chuckled. - "Hear what they have to say, my son, and interfere if you can or think it's very necessary, I guarantee this will be a pleasing experience."

The prince returned to his room still hesitating and sat down in his comfortable bed waiting for the apparition of the irritating voice in his mind. Time passed and his recent memories started to distract him from the not so interesting chore that he was willing to comply with. He remembered his brother being shocked when he said that he was going to help someone and the sheer confusion on his face when the green-eyed locked himself inside his room almost made him laugh. Has Thor ever been in a similar situation in his long life? No, certainly the god of thunder would tell him if he were.

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