Extra scene 1

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No. That shouldn't have happened, not by your fault, he couldn't stand it anymore. His wife used to be so spirituous and brave, she fought for the rights of the mutants and was a so-dear image for his people... someone limitless when trying to help people, someone who had conquered the respect even of the full-of-prejudice community that didn't accept at all the uncommon-gifts-bearer population. Thomas was nothing near her, he just used his abilities to search about the worlds beyond the Earth where they lived and handled his valuable information for the government for the money they offered, he didn't care, he wasn't a hero. He never understood how a so-wonderful woman had fallen in love with him, but she did and became a so precious light on his life that, out of the sudden, being shut and submissive seemed to be so wrong that he also started doing good.

Part of him died when he felt that her pulse had stopped. After that, only his son could keep him active, nothing gave him the sensation of being alive again, he was just existing. His brother was the one who supported him the most and who made his days turn less unbearable. He even convinced him that helping that stranger with the face of his beloved was the moto of their lives...

Now the whole humanity in his planet was extinct. His son was dead and it was all his fault. The tears didn't come when the finding hit him, but his body entered in a monotonous state and he started orbiting around one objective and only: undo his last decisions. Going back in time was possible, someone had already done that in his new "home". Chris stayed by his side through all this time, contributing with everything he could and bearing the same weight on his shoulders.

Together they spent the last months in an endless research about all the ways they could trace, each variant was considered and as time passed, many were discarded, while others were still hypothesis. They already knew how to go back in time, but they had to be perfect, flaws were not allowed.

That was the day of another little test, they had found an interdimensional gap with uncommon heat scans, it was like a straight way between what used to be his planet and the new one, almost as if someone had opened a passage as one of his and kept it there for a long, long time. Maybe that could be the answer that was missing to complete the so-complex equation, they had to risk it.

No one was around when Chris and Thomas broke those limits, there wasn't not even one eye over their acts and that's what made it easier to violate so many laws. Layer by layer, they opened that way, broke barriers and let what was hidden there out. Though they encountered a complete emptiness at first, it wasn't much likely for them that it would stay that way for more than a moment, there was something coming, something with a scary and deafening wheeze.

The grand power on the other side made them to hesitate, they didn't want to kill more people and, therefore, before that thing could come across the gate, they were about to close it. Nearer, a little more than three feet were left so that the portal disappeared, but it was still enough for a human body to be able to cross it. Time would be enough, it had to. The things that were nearing were still far, but even though he heard the air being cut and something coming straight towards him.

- GET DOWN! – Thomas shouted at his brother, but he couldn't move in time and the metal ran through the other's skull. With his body frost and in a complete panic state, the mutant couldn't react, the only reflex he could obey was that he wouldn't allow that thing come to this world.

Driving away his eyes from his brother, he focused again in closing the passage, all his concentration was put to that act, he wouldn't fail those people, not like he had failed his people. The mutant dedicated everything he had in that desperate action, but he didn't see that the metal moved again towards him. The material crossed him with a lethal coup that gave him no chance of resistance, however, allowed him to contemplate a little of what they had caused.

A man came across the portal, he had a long red cape and wore a same-colored helmet on his head. Thomas knew his name, like anyone in his world also did. He looked at him as if feeling hatred for the fact of being still breathing, but didn't concede him anything but that, there was something bigger to worry about. Behind him more people started to show up, faces he feared for many years, however, also so-human faces that didn't belong to people directly associated to a being like Magneto, they were common people, common mutants.

Time didn't go by in his reality the same way it did on that in which he fought, they somehow noticed that there was something wrong and made it to run away. Even when dying, a so big relief took over Thomas... More and more people were passing through that passage, they were so terrified, as if the screams of those who couldn't escape yet echoed through their ears. His last effort consisted in opening more the portal so that they could pass through it more easily.

As his eyes blurred, he allowed a weak smile to take his mouth, he even thought to have seen the squamous skin and the long wings of the son he thought he had lost. It was like a good last breath for that planet before it drowned.

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