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The population didn't react well to the demonstration of magic that has been spread around the globe; chaos and panic were the first answers that most of the people could give to the fact of being once again at the mercy of some super powerful creature. Governors of all nations desperately looked for information about what was that mystic event about, but they had no more success with their research than the terrorized people on the streets; even their so-acclaimed heroes seemingly didn't understand what was going on. Not even the special bases or the moon itself escaped from the mysterious involving, although the few told by the humans out of the planet couldn't explain much about what was really going on to them.

In the avengers' headquarters, the tension on each one of the presents in the spacious room where they were was almost touchable; some hours have already passed since the first appearing of the energy was registered. No one knew who was the responsible for such a misfortune, but Carol Danvers was found in an almost critical state after pursuing the Iron Girl when she left from her trial, leaving a real mess behind, and each one of the hundreds of mystic artifacts found on the scenes that evidenced the crimes committed by Stark showed an odd activity at the same time on uncountable planet's regions where they were. There were no doubts about the involvement of Linna in the spell that tormented them, however, this told them nothing about where the woman was or about how to reverse what she helped to do.

Doctor Strange, the one who could help them the most at that time, wasn't found anywhere and everything indicated that his sudden proximity with Loki had allowed him to discover what the couple was planning, fact that they believe that had taken him to a solitary mission that forced him to stay in another place while each man and woman on earth were locked under the continuous threat of someone.

By that time, they have already analyzed the most varied possibilities about what was going on, however, each minute passing made their hypothesis to look like more and more unlikely and none of them seemed applaudable for them. Thor couldn't even use Bifrost out of the earth; all of them, with no exception, were still locked clueless about what was coming next.

Some analyzed interplanetary maps and files looking for any indication of what was that, other discussed together attempting to find a viable alternative and there were also those who couldn't stand being there, stopped, not doing something really useful, the same ones who were at this time spread through the streets trying to contain the populational desperation or investigating for their own manners the reason for the block between the planet and the universe. That's why all of those in the meeting room churned surprisingly after identifying the orange bright of a typical portal of the mystic arts masters forming in front of them, opening the way for a wizard to pass through together with a figure unknown for most of them.

It was Wong, wizard on duty for the supreme magician, who up to that moment had been recluse in the Sanctum Santorum, which is his responsibility to protect, ignoring any attempt of contact of the external world. By his side it was a humanoid-looking, gray-skinned creature who most of the most expert avengers recognized as Drax the Destroyer.

- I must apologize for my up-to-now absence in this period of danger. – the wizard said with a bit of reverence in front of everybody's looks. – This man arrived to the Earth moments before we were involved under the Ancestor Shield carrying an indeed intriguing message, of so-great meaning that I couldn't bring it for you before verifying its trueness.

- Doctor Strange is reuniting the Infinity Stones. – The extraterrestrial summed up what everyone expected to hear. – I thought it was another wizard when I had my stone stolen, however, the weirdo said it was Strange himself.

The news wasn't well received at first, part of the people couldn't even associate the wizard's image to something like that, other interpreted it with a certain relief for firmly believing that when dealing with Strange, there should be nothing to be afraid of, and that he would never do any bad for the Earth just for his very duty is to protect it. There were those who also didn't understand how this was possible considering that the stones of his time were destroyed by Thanos, after all they didn't know about Adam Warlock's actions on his own infinity journey.

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