I am inevitable

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Nemesis didn't go too far, only to where the will of another could allay her. She saw herself on the top of a great building and realized that it wasn't pleasant to permit her body to give in to the will of another being, but as a viewer, this would only make the spectacle much more interesting to watch, since no other form could feel the fails drugging her own senses as if feeling some kind of empathy for that detestable race. 

She looked around appreciating the destruction and allowing his mind to absorb all the blood and the mortal remains, as if it were the first time he saw such a carnage, however, he also looked even more beyond and found in the planet the descendants of his ancient subjects who denied fighting even being completely able to help. There were individuals who waited for her for all this years and who now celebrated her arrival, while others among this same loyal people begged for the other humans to be spared too. They would never raise a weapon against their goddess, but all of them had their own way to react to her domination.

Each one of these people didn't deserve, for her, the same end that the rest of the population would have, killing who welcomed her in their hearts this way seemed to be cruel, therefore, she decided that, when tired of the entertainment here, she would find a good place for them inside her own world and would reward them for their loyalty.

- MAGIC WITH PUNCH! – The shout came unnoticed by her and this made the first lucky one to cause a damage to her.

Parker... she recognized him by the smell as she felt the closed wrist hit against her skin and make her to bleed. It didn't seem right for her that this had happened, since her defenses weren't that low until seconds ago. Peter apparently felt as surprised as her, since his expression exposed his feelings while disappearing through a portal.

It was a great plan, considering it was designed by a kid. Initially, he counted on the help of two people who tried to assure him he wasn't committing madness, but along the way, other very useful colleagues showed themselves up to hear him. Now it even seemed it could work!

Original waited for more consecutive attacks, but couldn't foresee exactly from where they would come and this was definitively something that shouldn't be happening. Strange showed up in front of her, without the Cloak of Levitation and, even so, she could feel his energy coming from another place, something too realistic to believe one of them was a clone. Nemesis felt the rage emanating from him and appreciated the job of whoever had taken out her influence over the wizard's actions.

- Nemesis... - He extended his arms, without signs of performing some of his tricks. – I came to bargain. – The woman lifted one of her eyebrows, almost having fun.

- I'm listening. – She crossed her own arms and relaxed the posture, still challenging him with the look to impress her.

- Go away from this planet and leave humans alone. – Stephen toned as if he really expected to show some kind of authority. – Otherwise, we will be forced to act.

- Eliminating the existence of your species, I'm saving the future of your dear Earth. – The man got tense, what was noticed by her. – You know what I'm talking about. – An arrogant smile was formed on her purplish lips. – There's no hope for creatures like you, don't deny you have seen what comes next, your race is fated to destruction and I didn't even have to be here for this to happen.

- I will take it as a "no". – The wizard showed disregard and it's admirable how he tried to protect himself from what was coming. Her hand tore through his stomach so fast that his shield wasn't even formed, but she kept him close and neared to him even more to whisper in his ears.

- You could have lived to see this place to thrive. I gave you this chance and I considered you worthy of being by my side when the time was come. You could have chosen a female to recreate what your people destroyed. I am not a monster, there would be a chance to restart under my command, however you chose to reject my reception.

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