No one is running away here.

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Adam Warlock wasn't their last target pointlessly, their strategies and lucky strikes wouldn't work on someone like him, like they did on the others. 

A man who was created to be "perfect" and who ended up being much likely the most amazing advent of the people who originated him, someone with a so-powerful soul that not even Death could near to, whose threatening level jibed with some of the most essential entities for the universe. No one in good conscious would challenge him really hoping to win, that wasn't possible since a long time ago. 

When he showed up for the first time, Thor fought against him and was able even to kill him, but that was way before he passed through all the evolution that made him to became what he is today, and it is possible to risk saying that only Adam himself has enough power to defeat his own. After all, a simple demonstration of that is the fact that after feeling mentally instable, as a consequence of the time he had the gauntlet and the six stones, Warlock get rid of his emotional thoughts that divided between the good and the bad and. Unknowingly, at this moment of separation, two different and extraordinary entities were born: Magus and Goddess. Even with five of the infinity stones, Loki and Strange couldn't let themselves to think they'd win.

Even though they couldn't be absolutely sure about what the stones were trying to show, both chose to follow their intuition and with this, using the powers of the space stone, they were taken to Heven, the angels' home. The planet once was part of Odin's conquest, being characterized as the Tenth Realm of Asgard, but after Queen of Angels supposedly killed the new-born daughter of the All-Father, Aldrif, its people were condemned to receive the Odin Force to prohibit them forever of having access to the universe besides their own planet, anchoring them deep in the emptiness. The spell was so powerful that the Angels could use it to keep themselves alive in the eternal prison and deployed it as a mechanism to energize their world, however, with Ragnarok and with the death of the king, everything they could build got back to square one, what became for them energy and life before, now was an unstable and dangerous magic without its bearer. Loki and Thor were the ones responsible for the reopening of a passage to Heven, but only now it was possible for the jotun to know that that people could survive despite everything.

The illusionist magic of the prince hid them of the possible distrust on them in the case of some angel noticing how different of the rest of the people they are and, after this, mixed in the local population, everything they needed to do was letting their powerful weapons to guide them freely. Both had the sensation that there was something somewhere around screaming to be found. Utrimque was calling for its brothers.

The civilization got more and more away as they got near to what they came for. There were only some houses in the path they covered and, gradually, the landscape formerly reminding archaic Asgard disappeared, giving way to a dense, dry forest, with dead trees and a macabre appearance. It wouldn't be wise to enter in a so-full-of-ancient-magic ground like that, Strange and Loki could feel in their skin that it was exactly in that place that the souls of the dead of Heven got refuge after the passages to Valhalla and Hel were blocked, though, at that moment, there was nothing else to stop them from following their proper way, it is possible that they had already given up trying to get out of there a long time ago.

The god was already familiarized to the presence of the black magic and the death, but, even so, as they entered through the trees, he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and his pile to chill. It would never be pleasant to see souls spending eternity unfairly suffering, but thanks to his historical of getting involved with some quite more terrible things, it wasn't a big problem for him to ignore the incomprehensible supplications and just keep following his way without much interference. 

For Stephen, though, things were way more different, his human nature revealed to be weak in the face of so many simultaneous pleas, his stomach churned and the nausea increased each second. Even though his reaction was much more resistant than expected for anyone of his species, none of that was of much worth in his mind, his thoughts became incomprehensible, his body begged for him to leave and nothing could make that danger sensation to stop. 

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