I was too silly and innocent

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~ Two weeks later ~

If Loki were a kind person, he would interfere with the theater that the Stark girl was doing. It was ridiculous how everyone believed her so easily and surrounded her with their good intentions, maybe the blood tie with Iron Man wasn't necessarily a bad thing after all, that provided the most confidence.

They wanted to put her on a pedestal and call her a perfect example. The avengers were really pathetic. But what intrigued him most was that sometimes even he didn't notice her lies, which meant that either she was becoming an excellent liar or that Lin believed her own slander and the second option was worse.

Loki and her would never be the good guys in a fairy tale, they are no good and there is never a happy ending for the villains. These are the monsters that people are afraid of; both have an evil nature that pulls them into the path of evil even when they try to follow the good one. No one would ever love them if they knew of the beast they keep within their souls, they would all set them aside again, living forever in the shadow of some hero. They will no longer be lonely in the world while they are together.

The biggest problem was that maybe only Loki fit into these categories. Yes, the jotun had already raised that hypothesis, he was not at all blind, it was not difficult to notice that Stark really felt good with new friends. He saw the fondness she directed at Peter and Morgan, the special attention Pepper always earned, the interest Thor and Bruce aroused, even the friendship Rhodes and Clint won. Maybe her place really was with these people, but Loki was too selfish to admit it, he always hesitated when the idea of being alone again came up.

At the moment the jotun was wandering the streets of the nearest town of Stark Mansion, carrying a shopping bag in his hand, and was somewhat lost, not that he would admit it to anyone. There were certain rare ingredients in Asgard that some of his spells needed and that Midgard had to spare, so he wandered among humans in search of these spices. Or maybe it was because he was bored too. Lin was working hard on building the Iron Girl's armor, not leaving the lab for the most part and his company would just distract her. In short, he was disturbing her. Not that the human had complained, but she almost blew up the whole building for using the wrong compound while talking excitedly to the prince, luckily Friday warned her. After that Loki preferred to leave her alone with her machines. Although that was six days, but he did not believe that his absence bothered her completely, both had a strong connection, knew the exact distance they were from each other and sometimes they could even feel what the other was feeling.

Pepper had made an unlimited credit card for Stark and it was just that piece of plastic he now used to pay whatever he was interested in buying. These human inventions were curious: a card that would allow him to buy literally the entire city if you wanted to. He would never understand them.

Then, as he passed a secluded park, "sparks" surrounded his feet in a perfect circle on the ground, the same curious sparks that caused him to plummet for thirty straight minutes when he came next to Thor to fetch Odin from Earth on one of his confusing pasts. Just as he expected the soil below his feet to disappear, he was able to land where he appeared without any damage.

Wherever he was now, it was not a bad place at all, in some ways even arousing great interest in Loki. There were dozens of old books around, as well as mystical artifacts in which some were even very familiar to him.

-I feel I must report that I did nothing wrong this time. - Loki commented calmly and somewhat amused while looking for the other wizard with eyes.

Stephen Strange was a very intriguing being; the closest to a rival Loki could have among the Midgardians. Someone who hesitated for a long time to finally let the jotun live on Earth, not without keeping a constant watch of course. But in spite of everything Odin's adopted son sympathized with him, he even thought they might have been real friends if Strange had been born in Asgard. Remembering that again would not stop killing him if he needed to.

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