What do we know about her, after all?

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The artificial intelligence advised Loki that Lin was back and that she needed his help as soon as the girl stepped into the place, but he already knew what was going on his "bride's" mind hours before she arrived. The prince found her in one of the bathrooms of the house resting her hands on the sink, with her hair more disheveled than usual and with a pain expression. The magic in his body failed to cover her scars completely as it did before and the strength with which she held the marble was so much that it broke and was now blood-stained, although the hands that caused that were already regenerated.

She faced her reflex in the mirror, but it seemed she couldn't see herself. Sweat dropped down her face and the girl seemed to strive not to shake, even if it didn't make much sense and she didn't even notice he was there. One of her hands started to move fast on the blood, apparently a twitch.

- It's time to wake up, little monster. – The prince put his hand on her shoulder, but he repented doing so soon after.

When his skin touched hers, Lin sucked Loki inside her mind unconsciously, allowing him to see and to feel exactly what she was seeing and feeling. After that, looking ahead and around him again, the adopted Asgardian was scared to presence so much chaos and destruction. There was no life there anymore. Loki could confirm that without even knowing where he was or anything about what seemed to be a civilization before, nothing remained in that place anymore. That was a memory of Original, the god noticed, maybe the one that brought pain for him the most. The planet that the memories showed was collapsed, it was possible to feel so much suffering coming from Stark that the prince felt his eyes tearing involuntarily. There were dead bodies of creatures wherever he looked and Loki knew that no matter what the Original had been someday, it was broken in the day these memories were registered.

As soon as he got in her partner's mind, he was expelled, taking with him just a part of what that celestial being showed to his friend and the terrible sensation of having been hit on the nape. Loki rested on the wall, trying to recover the breath and reorganize his own mind. It's been a long time since the prince learned to control his powers to the point of not seeing people's memories, unless he really wanted it, it was the human who exposed this kind of things for whoever was strong enough to see. Maybe it was about time to continue her training so that such things didn't happen again.

- You're bleeding... - The worried voice of the girl called his attention and made him to notice that in fact there was a considerable amount of blood coming from his hand, the same he used to touch her. – I'll take something to stem it. – Lin left the bathroom and the prince would follow her if he hadn't notice something that definitively shouldn't be there.

On the blood stain spread next to the broken marble there was a word: "Domum", home in Latin, and together with it there was a portion of numbers put in an order that ringed him a bell. That seemed to be somehow intergalactic coordinates and even not being sure of what that meant, Loki decided he would keep those data, if the Original allowed Lin to transmit it out her mind, it should be important.

When the mortal came back with the bandage, there was no sign anymore of the message she herself had left with her crisis, but the girl didn't even notice it. She probably had already forgotten what just happened.

- It's the first time you get hurt after intervening. – She observed carefully while took care of the injury with another Stark's invention, a spray capable of speeding up considerably the regeneration of any living being tested to the moment.

- Our plan will be put into operation soon. – Loki changed the subject as if what had just happened weren't important at all. – That wizard apprentice agreed to teach you some tricks and there are still some things I need you to learn to control.

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