Tomorrow will be a long day.

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Despite all his people had been almost completely extinct, Thor was still responsible for it, and there were people under his protection, who he couldn't fail with. He was always doing all he could to avoid that anyone else was impaired for his mistakes and in the last years he was making much effort to restore what was left of the nine kingdoms, even keeping his base permanently in Midgard, he didn't use to spend much time on the planet, he was always there for those needing his help, wherever they were.

The god liked to think that now, finally, things were going right, there was no enemy that he and his friends couldn't face, the problems of the throne of the ancient Asgard were not on his shoulders anymore, the peace was nearer on the places under his guard than on any others, the avengers (or the remaining avengers) do an exemplary job in protecting Earth, the hare and the tree were perfectly fine, Jane was healed, new Valkyries were being trained by the only one who survived among those who belonged to the ancient order, Lady Sif was proud to be by his side whenever needed, Loki was coming to his senses and now has an amazing partner to keep him in good humors. Everything was going perfect, but even so he had the constant sensation that there was something wrong going on and it was exactly his dear brother who raised this doubt.

Well, he lived for a long time with that so-called god of lies, cheating and evil not to notice when someone was hiding something from him and it was exactly this that he knew Shield was trying to do. As the matter "Loki" was something quite delicate to deal with, it wasn't needed to be a genius to know that the secret was somehow involved with him. His brother didn't contribute to lessen the suspects, some in the kingdoms he'd been to mentioned that the prince was seen there not a long time ago, but nothing gave him evidence of what he was doing in these places or what were his intentions, among all, what worried him the most was the fact of the human not to want to involve him in the matter because they knew he would defend his brother.

Thor looked for his own evidence by himself, but was miserably failing in discovering anything. The blond one has never been the smartest among the gods and, though he really tried to improve now, no one becomes brilliant from one moment to another, not even someone like him. That was one more day that he could dedicate himself to his so outdated studies and training, even he knew a lot about many things that most of the humans have never thought about existing, there were many other subjects he was completely ignorant bout, and it was no shame admitting this since he kept trying to improve. In the beginning, it was very hard to stay in the middle of all those books, parchments, documents and unknown technology, but, through the months of much insistence of him, he started even to like it. He could understand now why his brother abdicated a good part of his life to be dived into all those bunched words.

The god of thunder was in his Midgardian home, which maybe for him was the most pleasant refuge, he had learnt how to love each corner of that simple place and even though he felt unbearably lonely in each one of his days, staying there brought him all comfort and tranquility he needed. Despite, of course, enjoying the presence of his new fox friend, it was just a cub yet, but it was showing to be a very smart, independent and loyal pet. After having dominated the mysteries of the cafeteria, nothing would be better than spend the day with good cups of coffee, the company of Akira and a pile of books, though in this specific day he couldn't keep concentered for much long thanks to the problems taking over his mind.

Loki would always have his admiration, care and respect, but there were many moments in which he would like to have Gram (the sword of the truth) to discover everything he hides in that cynical smile. His brother always gives the impression that everything is fine when they're together, however, coming from him, it wasn't something truthful, despite being recomforting. Thor felt lost most of the times he thought about him, he wouldn't bear more fights and familiar conflicts precisely when they were getting along better, even if it were in a weird way. He could see that the trickster god was improving, he didn't even complain anymore about having to live together with humans he hates so much, but nothing removed completely his doubts about whatever he would be doing now.

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