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- Fourth wall...? Peter had been frowning since they began to try to explain the relationship between the reality they came from and the reality they were in now.

- I imagine that's how he got the knowledge about who we are. - Scarlett commented after a flood of information from the point of view of comic book characters. - Who created it in our reality has allowed it to communicate directly with its readers, and in this way Wade has gained access to what most of you would never dream of being able to understand.

- But we also have comics! And our stories are definitely not the same as what we read in them. - Said Morgan, who, despite liking the actors he just met, really hated the idea of his life being defined by cruel writers somewhere in the multiverse. She remained on Robert's lap, hugging him, looking so natural to both of them that no one came close to being surprised.

- This is probably linked to the fact that what happens here is related to the Marvel cinematic universe and not to the comics. - Jeremy replied as he scanned the landscape in front of the Avengers headquarters from the balcony, his vision had shifted to such a degree since arriving on this other planet Earth that he was not yet able to get used to.

- As if that would clarify much ...- The youngest among the Starks grunted in disgust. - The way you're talking makes it seem like my father died because some director in your world wanted him to have a dramatic farewell.

Those who until recently in the lives of actors did not exist with anything far beyond fiction could not help but believe that such an assumption made more sense with each passing second, as if their choices suddenly ceased to be genuine and everything they believed in turned to be a mere creation another human being. How different would their lives have been without this interference? Would Peter's parents have died, as did his uncle Ben and his mentor Anthony? Would Harley's father abandon him? Would Pepper's love for Tony last? Would Lin be tortured? Would a radioactive spider empower Parker?

- I don't think we influenced this place this way. - Tom said attracting everyone's attention. Among them, Hiddleston apparently had the most familiarity with the reality in question and the Earth from which he came, so his word came to sound the closest to some truth. - It seems to me that, somehow, we just reproduce the history of this world as it has already happened, we can't change the events that brought you here, we just follow the plot and tell what happens here to our audience.

- Nobody has proof of that. - Harley noted almost in a whisper, his mind working ceaselessly to come up with coherent answers that would not direct his hatred toward these people.

- What year are you from? - Chris Evans asked with a wry smile.

- 2027. Why?

- Because we are in 2019. We do not influence your choices so directly, as you are in what will be the future of our characters even before we choose to follow that path. - That man's expressions differed so much from Steve's that the three of them already knew it was even hard to stare at him.

Natasha and Chris (this one didn't seem to be having a heart attack like the other) exchanged a knowing look, for her that was the mirror image of her husband and not the Lord Perfection that the other Rogers turned out to be. Evans, as well as that Captain's correspondent, felt a certain connection with his wife from elsewhere in the multiverse, and suddenly an urge to kiss her came, though seeing Robert's wife in that woman's body paralyzed his instincts.

- I swear if you hold on I'll get up, find some armor and punch your perfect teeth, Evans. - He threatened Robert himself in whispers after noticing the growing sexual tension between them.

The other actor just raised his hands in surrender forming a mischievous smile on his face just to tease. At no point did he really give in to an attraction caused by the direct influence of someone's existence he should never have known. It wasn't entirely his impulse to take Iron Woman's lips, it was just her husband's feeling taking place in his own mind.

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