May the treasure hunt begin.

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Sometimes the avengers, young and old, asked themselves why aliens were so interested on Earth. It's not possible that are there not any other planet in the universe that calls more attention than theirs. This time, the problem were the Skrulls, despicable creatures whose existence was revealed by Captain Marvel, who by the way was technically a hybrid between a rival species of them and humans, a long story that hasn't got to be told now. These extraterrestrials starting to make the new Hydra seems so lovely that they even missed this group of villains when they had to handle gigantic creatures coming from the sky just like it was happening now. For years Carol has been trying to end the fight involving Krees and Skrulls, which was the reason for another invasion, but unfortunately not all are opened to negotiate peace.

Stark girl was supposedly classified as part of the new avengers, but she had almost no contact with the youngers, hardly remembered their names, but in moments like this, she recognized that no matter who they were, they were completely qualified for their positions, they've been fighting for some hours and still had no downturn on the part of the heroes. Loki said that that was how Skrulls infiltered among the people sometimes, causing great mess, deaths, calling attention, so that the soldiers could mingle while the focus was on the attack. It was exactly why the most part of his eyes was not in the center of the battle; his magic was concentered on keeping his copies among the civils to be sure that no green being would hide while they fought. The god could be very useful when he wanted, but everyone knew that he wouldn't mind changing sides for those who attacked if the situation became favorable for them.

While his magic was focused on his spies, his body moved with a weapon in his hand to slaughter the aliens getting close, he and the weapon had a beautiful synchrony to be seen, fought as if they were one and it looked like they were just dancing as two lovers and not killing invaders from another planet. By "weapon", I mean the current Iron Girl, the avengers started to understand why the prince referred to her as if she were an object every time when the fight subject would come up, some even called her "Loki's Hammer" when they saw them that way. They couldn't understand how they learnt to battle like this if Lin had been locked for all the time she claims before she was introduced to them.

Thor laughed when saw the brother's bride's clothes for that day, she had built up for herself a suit in an Asgardian style, it was more practical to "dance" with her partner than with her armors, but also it wouldn't impair her whenever she needed to use her own technology, and even if this was a secret, that suit was the base for her main project.

What was the experience level of those who fought there to consider almost normal the fact of an alien spaceship being visible in the sky of the city?

The god of thunder and the captain were up there arranging the falling of the craft, it was possible to see the weather changing and uncontrolled rays falling upon the city. Thor was definitively in bad mood.

"Stark, the spider boy damaged his own suit" – Sam informed looking quite worried. It was likely that Peter always awoke the protection instinct of the group, though he wasn't a child anymore a long time ago.

"I'm coming for him" – Lin answered while Friday promptly retraced the avenger's whereabouts. Loki threw a blade into her direction in time for her to catch it and with no hesitation stick it to the Skrull's servant's skull who was coming by her field of vision. Unbearable creatures.

- I'll help the kid, can you survive without me, princess? – She threw a corner-mouth smile at him, lifting her hand to call the armor that Friday reserved for her, which only awaited her command to go to the battlefield. The Iron Girl fostered the prince, who wrapped the neck of another alien, breaking it easily.

The ground didn't take long to disappear from the Stark's feet after her armor was completely on her body, the kid wasn't much far and definitively he would end up hurt if he stayed still there, so she was in quite a hurry to get to him. Lin left the others take the decisions by themselves, the sooner she got to Parker, the less were the possibilities of him being substituted. Her body seemed to be done for that, it wasn't only the various minds in her subconscious that knew what to do, each cell of her body was prepared for a situation like that, her instinct, with no influence, acted already correctly and she wouldn't stay still when she knew she would win. She wasn't afraid of the goddamn beings of other planets nor of the ones against who she's fought lately, her traumatized soul would only tremble when dealing with humans and couldn't hurt them. She localized Peter in a dark and hidden alley, with another Peter strangling him.

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