Part 1

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(O/c's p.o.v)

It became silent between us again. He held my hand tightly without uttering any word to me that means he want me to explain why I take that decision. He wanted to know the reason why I suddenly decided to break up with him.

Tears started rolling down my face without stopping. I couldn't explain anything to him as there wasn't a any good reason to go but I knew that I couldn't be with him anymore as I don't wanna ruin his life.

"I just have to go so Just let me, please I'm begging you" I said while my voice was shaking.

"Okay fine, I'll let you go if you tell me the reason of this stupid behavior of you" Yibo said looking directly into my eyes.
"Fine, you'll believe if I said?" I questioned but there wasn't any answer so I continued.
" I'm done with you, like I don't wanna be with you anymore simply I don't love you anymore. That's all I have to say." I lied without hesitating but deep down I'm screaming and crying because I knew he would be hurt by the answer.

"Say that you are joking! Say that this is just a joke! You don't love me? Am I hearing right? Did you forgot all the things that we did together for past years? Now you are saying that you don't love me. What have I done wrong? Didn't I gave you enough?" He asked me many questions.

I remember every single thing that we did together of course and that's the reason I have to leave you now. And no your love was more than I expected you are not at fault, baby I love you. I said to myself, as I didn't have the option or the courage to say it out loud.

"No I don't. And I don't want to remember either. You don't even care about me" I said out loud.

"you can't do this to me. This is not right. I'm nothing without you. Please don't leave me." He said while holding me even tighter.

"Yibo!!why can't you understand. I don't love you anymore please leave me alone!!."

But he kept embracing me not wanting me to go.

"But hon-". Before he said anything I cut him off as it was painful to listen to his sorrowful voice. His whole face was stained with tears. I wanted to kiss him softly and tells him that I still love him but I couldn't.

" I have a change of my heart and I don't wanna explain because you are nothing to me" I said heartlessly.

How could I even say that. Please baby just let go of me this is the best that I could do for us you'll be happy for sure in the future about this decision. Don't make things hard for me now. I'm just helpless.

"You- what!? So you are telling me that your heart has changed that means all the things you said to me that night was a whole damn lie?" Yibo murmured.

I couldn't answer to that as he was talking about a most important day of our lives.

"So you gonna leave me behind and start a new life? Okay then just do whatever makes you happy. But I can't even think that you lied to me" he said without looking at me.

"For the God's sake answer me." Yibo started screaming and shaking me.

"Told you that I don't wanna be with you do I have to repeat it again and again?" I said out loudly but inside of my heart it said something else.

I didn't lie babe all I said was truth I still remember that night you held me tight with your strong arms and I still remember how sweet you lips were and also I still remember that night because it was the day that we created this tiny human being together who is the real reason to our breakup.

(Yibo's p.o.v)

Did she just said that she had a change of her heart? My whole life is ruined now. How could I live without her. I don't want her to go.

"Let me go. Will you?" She said aggressively.

What's the point of keeping her if her heart is not there with me, I thought. Maybe it wasn't meant to be but I love her so much and I want her to be happy maybe it's better to let her go. I know I won't be happy for the rest of my life but at least she will.

" you can go as you want the breakup so badly. But remember if you change your mind again I'll be there for you anytime. I love you."

She just started at me with her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

But why is she crying? She told me that she doesn't love me anymore. Suddenly she came to slowly and tiptoed and quickly pecked my lips then turned away and ran so fast.

Why are you making things hard for me? Why?


This was a request by one of my friends now I find this story cringey af but he don't want me to delete this😭

So cringe warning ahead!

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