Part 9

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Yibo's p.o.v

I was right. She has someone new now. But why Zhan tries to hide this from me? Seems like Zhan and that man are friends.
Omg!! Did she saw me?

I should get away soon before she catches up. Then I went away glancing at her for the last time, I felt very broken inside and felt like crying so loud so that she could hear and come to me again then we'll be able to spend our lives together like we used to. But I know it's just a dream now as she got someone better than me.

Y/n's p.o.v

I went inside with Cheng following me thinking about the man who was inside the car, I didn't saw his face but as I could feel something isn't right.

"Is everything all right y/n?," I was startled by Cheng's voice.

"Yeah but- was that someone you know?" I asked him.

"Who?" Cheng asked and looked around.

"The one who was in the car earlier"

"Well, I didn't saw him so how could I tell though" he said while scratching his head.

" ah it's okay then"

"Maybe it was a friend of Zhan" he said cluelessly.

"Why did you say that?" .

"No I mean his face did change after seeing that car in front of our yard"

"Oh I see" I said and looked down immediately.

Is there any chance that could be Yibo? No way idiot what are you even thinking, he sure hate you now because of being so damn rude to him.

"Are you scared of being alone here at night?" Cheng asked and I saw his face was full of worries.

"No it's okay Cheng don't worry, I'll be all right"

"Mmm well then I'll leave you alone now"

"Fine let's meet tomorrow then byee" I said but I'm afraid of being alone because I knew as soon as he leaves I'll suffer from the thoughts of Yibo. Even reminding of his name makes me tear up. But I have to bare all this things from now on.

Eventhough the thought of he hating me broke my heart in to pieces I kinda felt relieved by that because if so it'll be easy for him to forget me.

Then I looked at the sky through the window I saw two little stars were shining so bright upon me.

Yibo's p.o.v

I looked up in the sky to see shining stars in the sky but the moon has disappeared it was no where to find. Just like my happiness, y/n.
Wish I could hate her and resent her but how? It's not something possible as she is my world, but she probably hate me now and I don't think that she remembers me anymore.

Should I go to see her tomorrow as well? I questioned myself. But then I realized that I'm only hurting myself by seeing her everyday with another man. So I decided not to go near her place again.

              Month Later..

Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up to the morning call of Cheng.

"Y/n we need to go grocery shopping for real as you got nothing inside your cupboards and refrigerator and for breakfast we could go to a near restaurant, you wanna come with me?"

"Oh sure give me time to get changed I'll be at your house in few minutes." I said and started getting ready to go out.

At the convenience store

Cheng's p.o.v

Both of us get inside the convenience store and y/n held her tummy and said that she is feeling little sick.

"Should we go back y/n?" I asked her gently.

But she nodded saying no.

"We'll just go and grab the things we need okay?" She said smiling softly.

That smile of her is really nice and I felt like that I'm in love with her but I shook my head and tried to get away from that feeling as she belongs to another man.

"Yeah..." y/n said.

"Jin Ying is growing well I think" I said and kept my hand on her tummy.

"Yeah thanks for uncle Cheng's food" she said and I smiled like an idiot to her.

Then I felt a pair of eyes on us so I looked around but no one was there. So I went to buy the things that we need without thinking about that much.

"Oh sorry " a person bumped on to me and the vegetables on my hand fell of to the ground. Both of us bend down to pick those up and then I looked at the face of that person. As I could see he seems so sad, angry and also heartbroken. And then he looked into my face then he was shocked for some reason , I don't know what.

"Why? What's wrong" i asked from him.

"No, nothing" he said coldly.

What on the earth I've done to him, why is he seems so pissed off by my existence.

"Oh well" then I saw y/n who was far away searching for me so I looked at her and hurriedly picked up the fallen vegetables.

"Is your wife pregnant?" That man asked. I couldn't explain the whole situation to a stranger who I've just met so I nodded and said yes.

"Congratulations then" he said.

"Thank you" I bowed to him and went towards y/n but I felt his gaze on me and I felt little strange about that man.

Y/n's p.o.v

I felt like someone is watching me from far, but who? I looked around to find Cheng but he wasn't anywhere to find. Oh here he comes.

"Cheng where have you been seriously?" I asked an when I looked behind him I saw a slender figured man hide behind a rack fastly.

"A man bumped in to me and I was busy collecting fallen vegetables with him" he said while smiling cutely.

"And you know what? He saw you and then asked me if my wife is pregnant" Cheng said.

"Omg!! What did you said" I said and laughed.

"There wasn't any time to explain so I said yes" Cheng said and I saw his face was red like tomatoes.

I thought about it as a random incident so I moved away with Cheng, but I didn't know that Yibo was looking at me for the whole damn time, and also I didn't knew that he misunderstood us.

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