Part 19

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Y/n's p.o.v

Why did they leave us alone? Omg! What should I do now. Then he came close, held my hand.

"Goodbye y/n!." Why is he talking like that we won't meet again. I know it's not like we could meet oftenly but why is he acting like that he know I'm dying.
Of course he don't know that because Zhan or Cheng never told him that.

"Yibo I-" then he stopped me from talking.

"Goodbye until we meet again." He said and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Yibo." I said.

"It's okay I'll try not to hate you." Then he pulled me into a warm hug and baby started kicking. I'm sure he recognized his father. I hugged him back with mixed feelings both happy and sad.

Yibo's p.o.v

Her warmth was all I need. I was so hurt when I'm saying goodbye to her. Thinking that I won't be able to see her made me tear up. I hugged her and then the baby started kicking.

"Hahaha he is kicking." She said.

"Yeah felt that." I said and smiled.

"Don't be angry at us Yibo, I'm doing this for your own good." She said. I don't see any good in this but I just keeo silent.

"Whatever you say so, I won't argue." I finally said.

"Okay." Then she turned around. I called out her name again.

"Y/n!" She turned around like an angel.

"Be careful and stay happy." But as I could see her eyes looks tired and sick there was no happiness in her eyes.

"I will and Yibo if we won't meet again, promise me that you'll be happy with your life with your loved ones."

"I'll try my best." Her words broke my heart. She is talking like she was about to die!! Why!

"And also take good care of your loved ones just like you did to me in the past, byee Yibo, hope to see you again if I could."

I want to see you again y/n but you'll be another person's wife after a while. So I'll just let you go even if it's hard.

"Of course I will. Take care and bye." I didn't told her that I'm going to leave the country again for 2 months. And when she leaves to Canada I'll be in China.

Love you y/n!! But I'll erase you from my memory now. Live a happy life with your family or as you wish; alone. But I won't be able to find someone new.

She left without turning back and I broke into tears. I want this to be the last time that I cry for you as you seem care free.

Y/n's p.o.v

I don't want him to see tears in my eyes so I quickly turned around and went without looking back as I went far I looked back and then I saw him crying. That make me even more sad.

You'll probably think that I went away without an emotion but you'll never know that I cried this hard Yibo. I sighed and then went to the car.

Zhan and Cheng kept silent knowing that I don't want to talk about it. I kept crying all the way home but they didn't ask me anything. They understood me very well than any other person.

Finally Zhan broke the silence.

"Guess what y/n!! I'm gonna stay at your place today so three of us can have fun together." What a lovely friend he is! I got the best ones. Cheng & Zhan.

"Of course y/n I'll make anything that you want to it." Then Cheng said.

"How sweet you monkeys!! I love you guys." I said while trying to smile through tears.

"Again you are comparing us with monkeys y/n!! I know that you like monkeys because Yibo looks like a one but we aren't!!" Zhan said and laughed

"That's not even funny! Don't call Yibo a monkey! You SHIT HEAD!!!." I said to him.

"Okay fine! I won't." Zhan screamed.

Zhan's p.o.v

We were having so much fun but I knew deep inside that she is dying. And not only her heart and soul her body also dying. Sooner she'll leave us forever. We'll have to say goodbye to her forever. My heart broke into pieces while thinking that.

"I'll go and change first." Y/n said and went inside.

"Yeah sure." Cheng said.

And then he came to and asked what I was thinking because I looked so sad.

"You know that she gonna leave us sooner. Time flies so fast for sure. I don't wanna lose her but-"

Then he patted my hand.

"We'll never lose her you know, she will be there looking at us from the sky like them." And pointed to the night sky, them I saw two shining little stars.

That filled both of our eyes with tears but before I could say anything y/n came yelling.

"Why do you two looks like a sad couple? Come and let's watch a movie."

"Okay ma'am coming." Both of us said together.

We started watching the movies and I got a phone call, I was surprised because it was midnight. So I checked who it was.

Yibo!!! I slowly got up and went away not knowing that y/n following me.

"Hello Yibo! What's wrong?"

"No no everything is alright, I just called to inform you that I'm leaving the country again."

"WTF Yibo!! Where are you going this time and for how long?." I tried to lower my voice in case that y/n will hear.

"I'm going to America for a while, maybe it'll take 2 or maximum 3 months for me to arrive. Who knows!?"

"But- but you should be here. She'll need you."

"For what? She doesn't need me and that's why she left me. I'm going to America just to relieve from my stress and also I'm going to erase all our memories together."

I don't know how to explain this to you Yibo!

"And also I'm gonna have fun" he added.

"No problem you can have fun! But I'm warning you don't fool around with women and mess things up."

"Why not who cares tho? I'm a free and single person now."

Oh fuck Yibo you are not free nor single as you'll be a father soon.

"If you wanna go just go but be back in 2 months and remember don't mess with foreign women." I commanded him.

"Hahaha lol and for what! Why do you want me back in two months?"

I didn't have a proper answer.

"I'm getting married." I said.

"To whom? Oh god! What's going on."

"Nvm about the person but you should be here."

"Is it y/n?." He said. Is he out of his mind.

"Are you crazy Yibo! Do as I say. I need you on that special day!." Then I heard a loud sighing, no need to turn back I knew it was y/n.

"Is he leaving again." Then she fainted thanka God that I caught her before she fell. Yibo was still on the line and he heard that.

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