Part 3

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(Y/n's p.o.v)

Me and zhan decided the solution to the problem. He agreed to the things that I said but he didn't like the plan as he have to lie to his friend. And also he doesn't like to lose me.

"But y/n you don't have to do this ,you know you can make a baby later, after you get cured" zhan said with a worrying voice.

"I told you right? It can't be cured and I wanted to give something special to yibo before I leave from this world." I said looking down and trying so hard to hold back tears but I ended up crying on his shoulder.

He tried to comfort me but he couldn't as I kept crying.

"Enough my little y/n. I don't wanna lose you but I know it's your decision and you are doing this to make your loved one happy. I respect your idea but we'll miss you for sure after you've gone" he said with eyes filled with tears.

I was surprised to see tears in his eyes because he wasn't a one who cried easily.

"Don't cry brat, you won't miss me but promise me that you'll be a good uncle to my little Jin Ying." I said while smiling through tears.

"I'll be the best uncle ever. Wait what!! You already decided a name? Anyway it's beautiful."

"And also take care of my Yibo. He doesn't have any friends now you are the only one left." I held his hand and said.

"I will but I'm not sure that he'll gonna see me as a friend anymore" he looked at the window and said slowly.

Then I looked at the direction he was looking at and I saw Yibo was looking at us with a fake smile on his face. Suddenly he walked away.

Zhan got up and followed him but he was no where to be found so he dropped a message to him saying,

"You'll know everything later, don't misunderstand me I'm your friend you know."

"I don't know" that was Yibo's reply.

Zhan arrived again to my place and then he saw that I was crying like crazy so he decides to tell some jokes to me to make me laugh.

It reminded me of our old days. I was very happy with my mother and my friend Zhan. But when I was just 7 years old god took away my mother from me but gave me someone more precious a year later.

That's when I met Wang Yibo the neighbor's son of my grandma's home.

We were not friends at first because I hated him because my grandma's special love for him. I thought that my granny loves Yibo than me and I was jealous so I did many cruel things to him. But for me, he never got crossed at me for my behavior.

He was always calm and caring towards me. Even though I was rude to him he took care of me when I was needed someone by my side. Because Xiao Zhan was always miles away from me Yibo accompanied me and made sure that I won't get lonely.

It was such a surprise as he was almost 5 years older than me but he never looked down on me because I was just a little kid. He is an introverted person so when he need to hangout it was me all the time.

When we grew older my hatred towards him turned to a huge crush and then I fell in love with him. The friends of my school teased me saying that our age gap is hilarious and he won't love me back. But he proved it wrong and asked me out later.

We spend most of our time together either studying or cuddling. We were so happy with each other and we were the most happiest until my granny died because of a cancer. We couldn't save her as it has been spread to her whole body when it was discovered by the doctors.

After her death I was alone in the house and no one was there for me so Yibo decided to move to our house but his parents didn't like the idea.

"Both of you are still kids in our eyes how can we let this happen? What if something happens?" His mother asked.

"Don't worry mom she'll be the one who I'm gonna marry there is no problem with that" he said jokingly.

Then he did came to my house and arrival of him helped me to go through many things simply he became my strength and also he became my family.

Everything was alright for past 3 years but before two months my life had turned upside down. My medical checkup relieved that I'm pregnant and also that I have a cancer stage 3 so if i give birth to the child I'll be gone Forever.

I still remember the day that we spent our first night together as a couple. And after that I'm completely ruined. And also I ruined my boyfriend's life. But I know he will be alright soon after he became a daddy after he saw the face of our little Jin Ying. Jin Ying will remind of me to him he'll be the symbol of our love.

Then I heard a loud scream and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I knew it! I knew it!! You never listen to me did you?!?!. Such a waste of my time." Zhan was the one who was screaming.

I started laughing at his reaction and apologized to him. And then I said this to him,

"Uncle Zhan Jin Ying wants to say something to you"


"Don't scare mommy like that you idiot" then I started laughing so hard after a long time.

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