Part 8

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Y/n's p.o.v

I went inside the kitchen to prepare something for them. But my mind was telling me to go and ask Zhan about yibo even though I knew that I will get hurt easily by the current situation of him. Then I started to make tea for them.

Zhan's p.o.v

I looked at the handsome smiling face which was in front of me. As I could see he is a good guy. And I was really grateful to him as he took care of y/n while I wasn't there and kept her occupied for a great amount of time.

"Thank you Cheng" I said to him showing my gratefulness.

"For what?" Then he asked.

"For taking care of my monkey, you know" i said in a joking manner.

"Ahh it's okay Zhan, I kinda related to her situation so I can understand her more than anyone so you shouldn't thank me its not a burden to me"

"What? Did you just said that you were also being in the same situation? But how?" I aksed out of curiosity.

Then he started saying me his story which cause my eyes to water again. He was right he is the one who could understand her better more than anyone. As I can see he is the perfect one who can keep y/n happy for the few months that she got. But that doesn't mean I won't visit her, I will for sure.

"So you are doing this because of your late girlfriend and baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am but that's not the real reason though"

I looked at him with a questioned face.

"When I first saw y/n I felt like that she needed my help that's why I'm here helping her to go through this hard situation" he said and I could see his eyes are shining because of tears.

"You know what, your girlfriend will be so happy and proud about you" i said while patting his hand.

Then y/n came to us with tea so both of us stopped talking and then I saw Cheng was looking at me with a very bright smile. That smile speaks his heart. Saying to me that I don't have to worry about her as he will take care of her.

Y/n's p.o.v

I wasn't eavesdropping but I heard the whole conversation of Zhan and Cheng.

And yes I'm also sure that his girlfriend will be proud about him because he is trying his best to keep an unfortunate pregnant girl a happy person.

"Yooo monkey why are you staring at us like you are hungry " as usual Zhan started screaming as it's his hobby to make me startled.

"I wasn't you fool" I said.

"I know I know, we both are handsome but you shouldn't betray your husband" Zhan said teasing me.

Husband? What husband he is talking about? We aren't married.

"I don't have a husband" I said coldly.

"But yibo is the daddy of your baby" Cheng said.

"That doesn't make him my husband though, he should marry a nice woman after my death to look after our baby" I said but I know I don't wanna share him.

"You think that some other woman will take care of your baby like her own? And specially you think that Yibo will marry another female after he became a father because of you? You are stupid"
Zhan said angrily.

"But he shoul-" before I even finished my sentence Zhan cut me off saying,

"No he won't need anyone, I'll be there with him through thick and thin, and I promise you I'll be a strength to him and will help him to be the greatest dad on the world, and of course I'll be the greatest uncle"

"Thank you hun" I slowly uttered.

"It's okay monkey, I won't tell Jin Ying that his mom was a weirdo" Zhan said.

"Just die Xiao Zhan!!"

Three of the started laughing so hard then.

Few moments later

"I'm leaving y/n I got some work to do" zhan said while getting out of the house. But then he suspiciously looked at a car which was parked in front of our house because the driver seemed to stare at the house directly.

I didn't saw the face but some how I felt something so familiar. I just shake off my head and started moving towards Zhan but Zhan was in a deep thought. I thought it was about that car.

"Yaaa snap out of it" I yelled.

"You scared him to death y/n" then me and Cheng started laughing at him.

"You know who was in the car?" I asked.

"No no how could I?" He said but as I could see he lied to me.

"Okay then byee see ya later love you, take care" I said while hugging.

"Love you too y/n, and Cheng please take care of her, I'm leaving byee" Zhan said bowing.

"I sure will" Cheng said and held my hand.


Me and Cheng both were sitting in front of my house in the evening staring at the sky with silence. That silence was so deep I was deeply thinking about Yibo and how his future will be and I'm sure Cheng was thinking about his own family. And then Cheng broke the silence and said this,

"You see that stars the big one and the little bright one?"

I nodded not knowing what to say.

"The big one is my Qin and the little one is our baby they are looking at me from heaven. And I'm sure you also will be there looking at us specially at Yibo and Jin Ying." And then he smiled while helding my hand tighter. I smiled at him warmly and patted his hand. Then I saw that car which was also there in the afternoon. The driver of the car seemed to glaring at me and Cheng.

Who is that? I questioned myself and took away my hand which was between Cheng's hands.

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