Part 17

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Zhan's p.o.v

"Y/n have any idea about what Yibo is talking about? Did you met him right now?" I asked her.

"No why? What did he said. I was sitting out with Cheng we didn't met him." She said.

Ohh! Now I know what happened. He heard their conversation. I guess.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"About the baby and how you guys gonna take care of him after I'm gone ofc. But why?." She asked.

"I think he over heard your conversation and that's why he came here now and asking me where are you gonna go after your delivery." I said.

"Omg!! What did you said."

"I didn't said anything yet that's why I called you."

"Tell him that I'm going to Canada to live with my relatives." She said.

"Okay then I will, but all of your mother's relatives has moved to Australia, I think he know that."

"No problem. Just say it." Then she hung up.

"Oh you are back now so tell me." Yibo asked.

"She is leaving the country."

"Where is she going?." He asked.

"To Canada"

"What a great mom! She is gonna leave her boyfriend and the baby alone." Yibo said he looked like he is pissed off.

"She is not someone like that." I said.

"Then what was that about! You guys are fooled by her I guess, I'm really feels sorry about that man whoever he is. And I don't wanna know about him now."

"There is a reason Yibo." I said.

"Fuck that reason! Fuck her! Fuck my life!" He yelled.


"She lied to me that's all there's nothing more. I truly loved her but she had someone else and they had a baby together. All of the women are same. I hate her now." I was surprised by his this statement. He has misunderstood my poor girl. She is going through a lot and now her own boyfriend thinks that she is a slut. I can't do anything about that.

"Calm down dude." I said and patted his shoulder.

"You knew about this and hid it from me?."

"I'm sorry man. I couldn't tell about those things because it was her problems not mine but believe me she is not a bad person. She is the most amazi-."

"Just stop it! Don't wanna hear. And from now I don't want to even see her I'm really disgusted. Gotta go now Zhan-ge. Thanks for information." He said and left without saying any other word.

And he called me the day after that saying that he is gonna leave the country for two months!

2 months later

Cheng's p.o.v

"A-Cheng!!" He she go again screaming my name.

"Coming!!" I replied suddenly otherwise she'll get angry at me for no reason.

"I want pasta with brown sugar.!!" Again she is craving weird food combinations. I'm really disgusted. But she is really cute when she is screaming like that.

"Pasta with what!! God y/n I'm really disgusted right now."

"I just want that. FASTER!!!"

"Okay okay give me some time." I said and chuckled.

Then I heard the bell ringing.

"Y/n please go and see who's here to see you." I said.

"Why would anyone come to see me?." She talked back to me.

"That's not the point just go and open the door I'm making food for you. You've became more stubborn now."

"Pffff!! Fine fine stop yelling like a vexed old lady!" Then she stood up and walked towards the door.

"Zhan!!" I heard her screamed out of joy.

"Hello monkey! Why are you surprised to see me? I told you yesterday that I'll come tomorrow too."

"I forgot." She said and scratched her head.

"Look who is the old lady now?." I said and laughed.

"Ohh shut the fuck up Cheng!" She said.

"What are you doing Cheng." Zhan asked me.

Then y/n left us and went to the living room.

"She is craving weird food combinations for the 100th time during these two months."

"What did she want you to make now?" He asked and laughed out loud.

"Pasta with brown sugar." I said.


"It's just normal while comparing with other food that she wanted to eat."

"Like what?." Zhan said.

"Like.. oatmeal and mustard, ice cream and bread, sausages with honey, oreos and mustard and-"

"Gawd! Stop it I'm going to puke if you won't stop now! But she has really something with mustard right?" Then we both started laughing.

"Stop laughing like idiots without a reason." She yelled at us.

"Okay grandma." I said.

"I was about to ask you this Cheng, didn't she search for Yibo?"

"No not even once and you know what!! She is trying to get herself away from us nowadays." I said sadly.

"I clearly see it Cheng. She is not like who was she in the past. She is doing that to make it less painful to us."

"Poor girl, there are only two months left or maybe one." I said.

"Yeah I know. It will be hard for us mostly to Yibo."

"When is he gonna comeback?."

"Today." Zhan said.

Y/n's p.o.v

I wonder where did he went for the past two months. I haven't heard about him and haven't seen him for a while. I should ask about him from Zhan today. And I'm really trying to distance myself from them because I'm afraid that they'll get badly hurt after my death as there is not much time left.

"Your food is here ma'am." Cheng came and gave me a dish.

"Thank you love, want some??" I asked them but they just looked at each other and said,

"No thanks."

"Okay then." Both of them started watching television while I was eating.

"Where's Yibo?" I asked out of the blue and both of them were shocked by the sudden question.

"He- he went to France." Zhan said.

"What the actual fuck!!"

"Ya yaa don't worry he only went for two months and he'll come back today." Zhan said and smiled.

"Ohh you scared me!" She said and caresse her belly.

Yibo's p.o.v

After a long time I came home but the first thing that came into my mind when I've arrived was y/n. She is still haunting my mind eventhough I hate her.

Haven't seen her for a long time. She is around seven months pregnant now I think. That means I might be able to see her within those two months while she is still in China. But there is no use of seeing her right?

But I felt like I wanna see her badly. Suddenly I got a great idea so I called Zhan.

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