Part 15

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Yibo's p.o.v

She is not worrying about me! She is worried that Cheng would get hurt by me. Seriously if I could I would break his bones till the death. Jerk!. I have to accept that I'm very jealous. But she is jealous too as I could see but there isn't a reason for her to get jealous because Cheng Xiao is Yuan's girlfriend.

Then Cheng walked away with y/n. But I felt like annoying her and hurting her more. I know that's not a good idea but still.

"Y/n!." I called her. Then she turned around, I wanted to tell her that Xiao isn't my girlfriend eventhough minutes ago I wanted to hurt her so badly.

"Leave me alone Yibo!! I don't want to hear your rude words towards me and don't wanna hear about your girlfriend." She said.

I don't have a choice right? So I just let her go. She was really hurt. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. I love her god!! But also I hate her.

Then they went but Zhan didn't left.

"Why are you doing this to her! Didn't you loved her truly? And wow you found another girl so quickly."

"If she can why can't I?." I questioned him without telling him the truth.

"I've repeated this so many times that they are just friends." Zhan-ge said.

"So why they are acting like they are husband and wife when I'm around and specially why they don't answer to me straightly." I asked like a fool.

"You are stupid Yibo! They are really done with you because they kept answering the same question over and over."

"Is that so, and for your information Xiao isn't my girlfriend, she is Yuan's girlfriend." I said.

"Jesus!! Then why did you act like she is your girlfriend!?." Zhan asked furiously.

"I don't know. " I said.

"You want to hurt her right? You became so cruel Yibo. This is not you."

Damn how did he guessed it right. I just wanted to hurt her then but not anymore.

"Well-" he cut me off and said.

"You'll regret those things Yibo I swear, imma give you a advice to you, don't try to hurt her otherwise you'll be the one who get hurt and you'll cry one day because of the way that you are treating her right now." He said and went away.

God! I'm already regretting saying bad things to her.

Y/n's p.o.v

So he has started a new life, it's fine as long as he is happy.

"Are you alright y/n?." Cheng asked me.

"Yeah yeah fine, no worries. " I said as I don't want to hurt him.

"Yooo fam." Zhan arrived.

"So did you guys ordered your food."

"Yep." Cheng said

Then we talk about our lives and fought over silly things as usual. Zhan had to leave first as he had an appointment of his doctor.

"You became pale monkey! You should rest don't stress yourself okay? And Cheng I'll kill you if you don't take enough care of her." Zhan said before leaving.

We started laughing and I hugged Zhan then waved at him that's when I saw that previous girl is talking helding hands with another guy and Yibo was there also.

So she is a girlfriend of his friend. Why did he act like that? Of course the purpose is clear. To hurt me!!

"Y/n I have to go outside for a while give me 10 minutes I'll be here okay." Cheng said and then asked me,

"You can stay here alone?"

"Yeah it's okay. I'll wait for you." I smiled at him.

"Fine, I'll be back soon y/n." Then he went.

Of course not! I'm not going to stay here looking at his face. I got up and started to walk outside. Then I felt like that I'm going to faint or something.

What should I do? Cheng isn't here yet! Omg! I was about to fall but someone caught me then.

It was Yibo of course.

Yibo's p.o.v

"Y/n!! Y/n, are you okay?!." I asked, glad I was here at the right time so she didn't fall down as I caught her.

"Yeah Yibo thanks anyway." She said while trying to stand by herself, but she couldn't she is so weak. I'm sure I've saw many pregnant womens but no one ever looked like her. She looks pale her nice tanned skin got so white and her beautiful eyes seems so tired. What's wrong with y/n actually? Is she suffering from any disease?. Then she started talking to me.

"Yibo. I know she isn't your girlfriend, you were just trying to hurt me right? But it's okay I don't hate you for that. I'm sorry Yibo I'm really sorry."

How can I even hate her when she is being like this! God!. She is being so nice to the person who tried to hurt her while ago. I'm the one who should apologize but I just said,

"It's okay y/n." Coldly.

"OMG!! Y/N!! What happened? Are you alright? I'm sorry for leaving you alone." Here he comes again between us, but he should right? As the father of the child he should take care of them. I'm just a outsider. But I feel really jealous and I started hating three of them again, three means including the baby.

"Yes I'm okay Cheng." She said.

"Let's just go home now, I told you to take your medicine at the right time. But you never listen to me. And I'm really sorry that I left you here alone. I won't do that again I promise." Cheng said and I saw that he is really caring towards her, just like me.

"Zhan will kill me if he knew this. Let's go to the doctor and renew your medicine again. Come let's go."

"Shh stop it Cheng, he doesn't have to know these things." Y/n muttered but I heard her words.

One question! What medicine are they talking about!?.

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