Part 16

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Yibo's p.o.v

They keep acting like friends like I won't understand things. They think that I'm stupid!. Zhan keeps lying to me saying that they are just friends, but then who tf is the father of that child! He is being ridiculous. If it's not Cheng who it could be? It can't be Zhan as they didn't met frequently. It is Cheng! That's my final decision.

But I'm curious, what medicine were they talking about? Is she seriously ill or it's just low blood pressure.

Y/n's p.o.v

I think my life is coming to an end but please god not befor Jing Ying arrives. Please let him be with his father.

"Y/n doctor is calling you let's go." Cheng said.

Both of us went inside the doctor's room. It's not a new thing that he has said. As usual he told me that I'm going to die. But not that harshly.

"Mrs. Y/n" who are you even calling Mrs. I'm not married. I said inside my head.

"You know that you won't be able to survive after the deliver, but I'm 100% sure that the baby is gonna be okay and also as we can see he is doing very well now." Doctor said.

"And for you Mr.Cheng you are the one who should take care of this two so be careful and after the delivery you'll be end up alone with the baby so you need-." I cut off the doctor because it maybe awkward for Cheng to hear such things.

"Excuse me doctor but he isn't the father."

"Oh sorry then Mr.Cheng."

"It's alright." Cheng said with a smile.

"Then Mrs. Y/n please inform the father that he should visit me for further information."

"I don't think that he'll be able to come now doctor." I said.

"It's okay Mr. Yi, she don't need the father of the child as I'm here." Cheng said. Aww what a nice human being.

"Okay Mr.Cheng, so give her medicine at the right time and keep her healthy there are only four months left."

"I will for sure. Thanks Mr. Yi."

And then we went out heading to our home.

Yibo's p.o.v

I should know what she is going through. She looks really sick and I can't stand this anymore. I'm going to their place as soon as possible.

Cheng's p.o.v

"Y/n come and have your meal you need to take medicine." I said.

"I just ate while ago Cheng." She complained.

"Come on y/n be a good girl." I said again.

"Caaaaan't" she keeps nagging.

"Omg you are being a baby y/n!" I yelled at her. Then she ran outside like she forgot that she is pregnant. I went after her holding her medicine and food.

She was sitting by the bench and after she saw me coming she was about to stand and run again.

"Stop right there y/n!! You aren't going anywhere." I told her, she laughed and sit back down.

"Want me to feed you or something." I said while laughing.

"Yeeeah" she said. Of course she is a baby.

Minutes later

God it's easy to feed a baby than her. She is really stubborn.

"Now have your medicine." I said and handed it to her.

"Okay daddy." She said.

"What did you just called me." I said and laughed.

"Oh jeez don't get it in a wrong way." She said and winked.

"Omg!! Wang Jing Ying your mom is a very dirty minded person." I started screaming.

Yibo's p.o.v

I arrived at their place they were sitting outside facing their house so they didn't saw me. I started walking towards them.

"Wang Jing ying! This man is the one who is dirty minded not your mom." She yelled.

Wait what!! Wang who!? Jing Ying???? Did she just used the name that we planned to give our child. And as I know Cheng's full name is Wang Zhuocheng so it's not a miracle that he gave their baby the name "Wang Jing Ying".

"I'm not dirty minded you are dirty minded." Cheng said.

"No I'm not." She said and sticked out her tongue.

"Cheng I have to tell you something serious." She totally changed the tone of her voice.

I shouldn't eavesdrop so I turned around maybe it's their private thing.

"Tell me y/n you know you can tell me anything right?."

"After I'm gone will he be able to take care of our baby Cheng? How can he handle all the things alone by himself. I'm feeling really horrible about this."

What did she just said!! Where is she gonna go and who is 'he' that she mentioned.

"You don't have to worry y/n, I'll be with Jing Ying as his greatest uncle. I won't leave him alone to his father and also did you forgot that Zhan also there with us? So three of us could look after him."
Cheng said. And woow! So he isn't the father! And why is she gonna leave her baby and husband alone!? What's wrong with her? Is she going to abandon them and going to abroad or something?.

"Make sure that both of them won't miss me or hate me. Right?." She said.

They will hate you for sure for doing such a thing to them. Oh and I forgot the reason that I came here. But it's okay.

"How could they even hate you after you did such a sacrifice for them y/n. You are an angel." Cheng said again confusing me.

What is this sacrifice and what are they talking about. There is something happening behind my back. I thought.

I went away slowly and dialled Zhan's number.

Zhan's p.o.v

"Wanna meet you right now!." Got a phone call from Yibo and that's what he said even without saying hello.

"Oh okay, but why suddenly?." I asked.

"Tell you after I arrived." He said.

"Come to my place then." I said

Then I waited for him at the front yard. He came so quickly for my surprise.

"What's again Yibo?." I questioned.

"Cheng is not the father of the Baby." He said.

"I told you over and over that he isn't, so what's the matter?."

"Then who the fuck is the father. I know his surname is Wang but he is not Cheng. Then who is it?." Yibo said.

"How did you get to know about the surename of him?." I asked.

"Nevermind that. Who is he? And tell me where is she going afer delivering the baby."

What is he talking about where did he gathered this information.

"Yibo excuse me I have to make a call for my doctor. Please give me a second." I went inside and quickly took a phone call to Y/n.

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