Part 13

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2 months later

Y/n's p.o.v

A day by day I'm getting closer to the end of my journey and also the day that Jing ying gonna come to this world is near I can't even think that 5 months have passed after he came to me.

And also it's been 3 months since I left yibo. I didn't saw him for the past two months but Zhan told me that he is fine. Fine, without me. But it's alright after all one person is happy I'm glad that he is the one who is happy. And for me I'm not really sad because of I'm going to give life to a another human being but deep inside me I was suffering because I have to leave Yibo.

"Y/n!!! Y/n! Where tf are you?!!!." I heard Cheng screaming again and again.

"Coming!" I said and went to him slowly as I could barely walk with this tummy.

"Do you have to shout out that loud so the whole world could hear? Our neighbors might think that I'm dead or something."

"It's an emergency." He said.

"What's that now! Did your cat left the home again? Seriously Cheng let him be you are giving that poor animal a headache." I said to him.

"Wtf no!! And I'm not a headache to him, he loves me you know that."

"Okay okay then just tell me the reason for your yelling

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"Okay okay then just tell me the reason for your yelling."

"I'm bored." He said and pouted at me.

"So you screamed and told me there is an emergency situation, and the emergency is you are bored!. Gawd what can I do with two babies?."

Then we both started laughing our heads off.

Cheng's p.o.v

Zhan wasn't able to came and visit her for 3 days and I know she missed him even though I was there with her all the time. And for worse her nice tanned skin was getting more paler day by day. I'm really scared that she might leave us soon. I really don't wanna let her go. That will be so sad, but all I can do is make her happy while she is still alive, maybe I won't be able to make her smile like Yibo, but I'm pretty sure she loves my company.

"I am here to tell you that I want to go out in this evening so badly." I said.

"I'm also done staying in the home fam, let's go somewhere then."

And of course I have a surprise for her, Zhan will come and join us in the evening. That's why I'm organizing this meet up.

"So get ready around 3.30 pm right? But for the God's sake don't be late!." I said.

"Gosh! I won't." She said and giggled.

Then we both sat down next to each other and started talking about random stuff and fooled around for a while, suddenly she yelled,

"Wang Jin Ying!! Would you please stop kicking mama like that it really hurts.". Then she started laughing.

"Damn! Stop scolding the baby idiot he was kicking you because he felt that his mama was being soo silly with uncle Cheng."  I said.

"Am I the one who was being silly! You were the one who being silly all the time. You are no different than Zhan, jeez. And Jing Ying please kick this stupid uncle after you arrive."

"He gonna love me so much, so he won't kick me." I said and sticked my tongue out.

"Of course he gonna love you, because he will know that you are the one who took care of him and his mama." She said and smiled innocently.

"And for a surprise we share the same surname." I said.

"Omg!! What if he misunderstand you as the father of him." She said while laughing out loud and she could breath barely.

"You know what? My granny told me that when a lady is pregnant her baby will exactly looks the same as the person that she sees daily." I said and teased her.

"You're gonna be in a huge trouble then." She teased me back.

"I'll handle it somehow, now just go and get ready, we'll go out in a hour." I said.

"Okay sir!" She said and went back in.

What a nice human being, she is really trying hard to be a happy person because of the baby but I know she is not really happy. I felt really broken.

Y/n's p.o.v

Wow! He is such a nice person, I can't explain how much he meant to me. After Zhan he is the person who tries to make me feel better he is really trying hard, thanks to him me and my baby is really happy. Even though I still get sad over thinking about Yibo.

"Jin Ying, you should really love your uncles and take care of them after mama is gone. Okay?." I said and patted my belly, I felt his kick and a  small tear drop appeared from my eyes.

Yibo's p.o.v

I started getting dressed to go out with some of my friends and their girlfriends. I'm not in a mood but I had to go as I promised. They are trying so hard to set me up with a another girl, but how do they even think about that! If it's so easy to move on I'll do it from my own I don't need their damn help.

*few minutes later

Wow I'm so bored here, only my colleague Yuan and his girlfriend Cheng Xiao was there with me beacuse others haven't arrived yet and also we are early. I know them very well but I was not in a mood to talk.

"I heard everything Yibo, maybe she had her own reason." Cheng Xiao said to me.

"If there is a reason she should've told me, but she just left without saying anything, making me wonder what did I do wrong." I said.

"I know that's not really nice, but still-"

"I don't even wanna talk about her Xiao." I said.

Then Yuan got a phone call so he just stood up and went out to answer it.

"You are such a strong person Yibo, hold on something good will happen for you I'm sure." Then she patted my hand softly.

I just nodded at her.

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