part 5

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Y/n's p.o.v

Before he replied I went away quickly as I don't wanna get questioned by him. But I know what said wasn't wrong he'll smile for sure and yes I'll be a part of it. Then I felt like someone was following me so I looked back of course it was yibo.

So I started to walk faster but it was useless he came and grabbed my hand.

"What's the meaning of that? I'll smile? How could I? Are you playing a game with my life or what?" He started yelling at me while crying.

"No I'm not you'll see after I'm gone, just forget me and move on live a happy life I know you can do this you are a strong person." I said, holding back my tears.

"Noo who told you that I'm strong ? Im not anymore everything is changed now I'm completely ruined. I'm just a loser now." Those words he said hit me so damn hard but nothing I could do about it.

"I know you are, let's just stop it here"

"Are you pregnant?" He asked out of the blue.

"No way! Who told you that!?anyway gotta go so many things to do as I'm leaving tomorrow" I said with a cold tone.

"Okay fine, you are leaving me, sorry if I have done anything wrong" then he turned around to go.

I have to say my last words to him before I leave but how ? I can't make it obvious.

"No you haven't done anything wrong you were the best and thank you for everything that you have done for me since I was young you cared about me like my mother and you was always there for me when I needed. I'm really grateful to you. But you know everything happens for a reason"

He stared at me with his deep brown eyes then I became speechless.

"Maybe this is how it's meant to be don't worry everything will be alright, just be the person that you always wanted to be."

"I love you" those words left my mouth even before I thinks.

Idiot you shouldn't say that!

"You love me? I don't understand this?" He said.

"Never mind just keep those things that I said in your heart. I'll go excuse me"

I turned because I don't want him to see me crying but he pulled me towards him and started kissing me passionately.

I have to pull out but I couldn't because this maybe the last time.

Then he moved and broke the kiss and said,

"Be safe y/n ,you are precious,  hope we'll meet again"

"I don't think so but thanks again for every single thing and for every memory that you've gave me and specially thanks for my Ji-"

You stupid watch your mouth what are you doing?


"Nothing, just said" I told.

Yibo-ah how I am supposed to live now, how could I live without your love? You never taught me how to survive without you? You was always there since I was a kid. How am I supposed to bare this pain. I wanna die, but I can't because of our baby. Forgive me my love please forgive me for breaking your heart.

But I'm so clueless now this is the only thing I could to please forgive. You'll sure be the happiest person on the earth after seven or six months. Until then just stay strong my baby. We can do it, and I know you'll forgive me.

Then I went without looking back because I knew it wouldn't be easy to go after seeing his puffy face again.

I closed the door behind me then suddenly my knees started to tremble so I sat on the ground. Then started to weep loudly.

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