Part 11

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Zhan's p.o.v

She didn't saw us. But of course Yibo did saw her, thanks god both of them are just sank in their own thoughts without talking with each other or laughing like idiots.

Suddenly, y/n looked our direction, she stopped right where she was and I know what's going to happen after that she will start to cry, so I try to get Yibo away with me but damn he wasn't ready to go away from her.

"What's wrong y/n.? Are you okay?" Cheng asked her,but she didn't answer.

"God you are scaring me!! Is everything alright with the baby?." He really looks worried, and maybe someone could mistaken him for the father of the child.

"Saw that now?? Still you are saying they are just friends? Unbelievable!!." Yibo sighed.

Now it's not even possible to hide that she is pregnant as her tummy is now visible to everyone.

"I don't know men!! Haven't been talking to her for a long time" I lied.

"Can't even think that you are lying to my face after I saw you yesterday with her in front of her house." He said.

"Oh I knew you were the one who was stalking me and her" I said.

"Yeah I'm sure you knew that before"

"I just predicted" I said.

"Zhan!!!" Then I heard Cheng yelling my name.

No need to act like that I don't know him so I went to them leaving yibo behind.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, please talk to her." He said.

"And who's that? He seems so familiar."

And before I answer Cheng said,

"Ahhh that convenience store guy, is he your friend?."

"That's Yibo." I replied.

Yibo's p.o.v

"That's Yibo." Zhan said. After hearing my name I'm sure he looked surprised amd he looked little shameful. I couldn't hold back my anger any longer so I went to him and shouted.

"Why?? Are you surprised to see me here? Your girlfriend's ex boyfriend!! She dumped me because you got her pregnant! No wonder that you looks so shameful in front of me." But he didn't say a word so I felt like punching him in the face. I held my hand against him then,

"What do you think you are doing!!" She screamed at me and held my hand tightly. I got goosebumps by her touch but she is not taking my side anymore she just held my hand for save him from me. Then I just shook off my hand from her and doing that she slightly pushed away, she was about to fall but her boyfriend or friend I don't know who's that he caught her quickly.

"Are you crazy!! Stop treating her like shit!" He yelled at me.

"I'm not, that's just an accident I'm sorry y/n, but no worries as you have someone who always got your back" I said sarcastically.

"What- okay, let's stop right here" she said.

"Why?? You don't wanna talk about it? The way that you've cheated on me!!"

" you are 3 or 4 months pregnant right??" I yelled and tears left my eyes immediately.

"I don't wanna explain but stop yelling at Cheng." Y/n said while looking down.

"Cheng who! Oh you are talking about this guy over here, okay I won't.." I shouted.

"Good" she said but didn't even looked at my face.

"You are disgusted by me that much!! You don't even wanna see my face now! You hate me that much now y/n! Tell me?." I said while crying.

Then she started crying, I hate to see tears in her eyes but I can't do anything about that now.

"No you are not disgusting Yibo, I'm the one at fault I'm sorry, don't cry, I don't wanna see you cry. It hurts"

I'm surprised to hear something like that from her.

"You talks like you still loves me! Then why are you hurting me like this, you are the one who makes me cry."

"I'm sorry, that's the only thing I have to say right now, you'll understand things later." She said and ofc she is crying like a idiot.

"Why later? Just tell me now! Is this guy troubling you?" I said and glared at him. He looked scared by my glare, what a scaredy cat!

"No don't even blame him, he would never do such a thing." She muttered

"Oh really! Nice to know." I'm just done by this conversation so I decided to left this gives me a headache and also a heartache.

"We'll leave you guys alone, don't wanna bother this nice couple anymore and as I can see you aren't so pleased to see my face, sorry for all the troubles that I've caused, and sorry Mr.Cheng. let's go now Zhan." I said and turned around.

"Goodbye y/n, see ya later."zhan said and came along with me, but anyone of them didn't speak they just stood there like they are deaf and mute. Who cares tho I'm just so angry.

"Yibo!!" Then I heard she screaming my name, but I make sure not to look back as I don't wanna see her pretty crying face. But I frozed by her voice which called out my name after a while. So I stopped moving but didn't turn around.

"Take care." She said. What a nice word to say after tearing my heart for thousand pieces. You know that I don't know how to take care of myself alone, you were the one who took care of me, now you are just saying take care after leaving me alone to suffer. Why are you being so cruel y/n? You weren't like this back then.

"Don't even bother about me!!" I said to her rudely. I know for sure that she got hurt by my words but I am more hurt than her. But for real I felt really sorry towards her and felt like that I'm doing something really wrong. Only God knows why?

So I just left with a guilty feeling inside my heart for being rude to her like that. Maybe Cheng was right I am treating her like shit!. Am I the one who playing the evil role here? I questioned myself.

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