Part 7

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Yibo's p.o.v

"Yaah this isn't working this way I'm gonna tell this to yibo" I heard xiao yelling at his phone. What the hell is happening I'm just gone for a while.

"What are you gonna tell me? Who's on the line?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No one my mom" then he hanged the phone.

Y/n's p.o.v

Did I just heard his voice, his deep voice that always gave me shivers down through my spine. I always loved that voice of yibo. Tears started to blur my eyes but before it's going to fell out Cheng called out to me asking,

"Y/n where is the knife set of yours?" So I started to move towards him forgetting about the voice of yibo.

Yibo's p.o.v

"Don't lie dude I know it was not your mom, tell me who was that?" I asked.

"Oh it's my mom I told you" he said but after I glared at him for a while he said this,

" it's y/n"

"What? What did she told?" I asked but he kept sitting silently.

"Was it about her new boyfriend?" I sighed.

"No no that's not it" but the way that he told that leads me to another way so I thought that she already found someone new in her neighborhood.

But it's okay as long as she is happy.

Y/n's p.o.v

We had dinner and when Cheng was about to leave he suddenly told me that he got something to say to me. I got no work to do so I just agreed to talk with him.

"You know I live alone right?" He asked but before even I answer he started to tell his story to me.

"But things were so different before seven months ago, I had a girlfriend who was my everything ,we were so happy with each other then suddenly we got the news that some one new is going to join our lives. She was pregnant and we were so happy about it but when the time came for her to deliver the baby both died because of a mistake of the doctor, I even tried to kill him but it wasn't the answer after I lost my whole world. I don't know why I felt like telling this to you but you kind of reminded me of my late girlfriend."

My eyes started to become teary after listening to his story. So I tried to sooth him.

"You know what?same thing will happen to my boyfriend in few months"
I told him.

"What do you mean by that y/n?"

"I'm pregnant but I have a cancer so as soon as I deliver the baby I'll be gone forever, I'm afraid that he'll tell me to abort the baby that's why I've broke up with him and came here to live until the baby is born" I started crying.

"But it's not fair y/n, he gotta know that because he is the father and also what will happen if he misunderstands you?"

"No he won't, after the baby is born my friend Zhan will tell the whole story to Yibo himself, I'm sure he is gonna be okay with the baby" I told while sighing.

"You know, we are kinda have the same problem, but I'll promise you I'm gonna take care of you for the upcoming months, because I couldn't protect my baby and my girlfriend so I'm gonna take care of you from now on behalf of your boyfriend." He said.

"Thank you Cheng you are such a great friend"

"Now I'll go you can rest now okay? Its so late in the night now" Cheng said.

"Yup, I will good night Cheng"

"Good night Y/n"


In the morning I opened the door and went out to the garden and then saw Cheng was waving at me. I waved back then he came over we sat down at the garden bench and started talking about random stuff. Then I heard a sound of a car. It was Zhan. Omg I already missed him so much eventhough I have Cheng with me now.

"Y/n miss me?" He ran towards me happily.

"Of course idiot " I replied.

"I won't be able to come everyday but I'll try and you have Cheng right? So no worries" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah but try to come often as this will be my last months, even though I can't see Yibo I want to meet you" I said.

"Y/n!!!!!" Both Cheng and Zhan started screaming at me.

"Don't you ever say that again" both said.

"We'll be there for you we promise" Cheng said.

"You know her story?" Zhan asked from Cheng.

"Yeah she told me already"

"It's good"

"Yeah I guess so" Cheng replied.

"Why are we standing outside let's go inside boys" I interrupted them.

"Yeah let's go" they said and we went inside.

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