Part 6

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Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Damn I couldn't believe that I'm gonna leave Shanghai. But I should. Maybe we will meet again who knows. Then I heard a loud knocking on my door.

"Is this fucking bell is broken? Damn !! Y/n get up you idiot already!! It's 10.00 am." It was Zhan.

"Am I the idiot now?" I said while opening the door.

" you don't have a phone? Why didn't you just called me? The most stupidest person on the earth is calling me an idiot, how funny" I laughed loudly.

"I just forgot" he said and started scratching his head.

"You look so funny" I told

"Thanks for the compliment but now just go and get ready, you are such a pain in neck"

"What did you just said?" I aggressively asked him.

"Nothing" he sticked out his tongue at me.

*after a while

"Oh damn y/n it's been 45 minutes come out will you?" Zhan is screaming again.

"Coming sir!" Then I ran down the stairs quickly.

Zhan got up quickly and came to me then hit my head with his strong hand.

"Why????" I asked.

"I call you an idiot for a reason idiot. Just look the way that you came down, did you think about what will happen to the baby if you fell down of this god damn stairs?"he said furiously.

"Oh I forgot, and boy you are acting like the father of this one" I started teasing him.

"Are you sure that I'm not the dad?" He teased me back.

"Yaaah what are you talking about eew!?"

"Don't take it personal" he said and winked at me.

"Let's gooo now"

*Few hours later

"Yoo sleepy head get up we arrived " again I heard his voice yelling at me.

"Already?" I asked with my sleepy voice.

"Yeah idiot it's not so far from Shanghai you know " he answered.

"Yeah I forgot " I said in a joking manner.

"let's go and unpack your thing now as I have to go before evening "

"Okay sir!! Leggo" then we started walking towards my new house. It seems pretty nice and also the neighborhood's houses also quite pleasant.

"I'm impressed" I said.


"Will you be alright here all alone?" Zhan asked.

"I know you are worried but you know I don't have much time left so its okay dear don't worry" I said.

"Don't say that again y/n you are making me sad, and now let's go and have lunch okay? Jin ying said to me that he is hungry?"

"Ohh is that soo!! But I thought that his stupid uncle Zhan is hungry" I uttered while laughing.

"Whatever let's just go please we both are hungry mommy" he looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"Fine. Let's go" i said.

When we stepped out of my house I saw my neighbor, a slender man with a pale skin watering his garden. I watched carefully as I wanted to see his face. Then he suddenly turned around. I looked away like nothing happened.

"Hey I'm Wang Zhuocheng looks like you guys are my new neighbors" he greeted.

He is a handsome boy indeed, jeez y/n what are you even thinking? Snap out of it.

"No neighbors, she is your neighbor, and I'm Xiao Zhan she is Yang y/n, nice to meet you!" Zhan said.

"Oh nice to meet you too, I thought you guys were a couple" Cheng said

"No we are friends" I said to him.

"Oh I see, and don't tell me that you gonna live here alone?"

"Yes I am but only for few months"

"If you have time please be a friend to her"Zhan said.

Omg what's wrong with this man?

"It's okay Mr. Cheng. He was just joking" I said while smiling at him.

"No it's okay I can do that as I don't have much work for the upcoming months" he said looking at the ground.

"Oh nice to hear, anyway gotta go let's meet up later Cheng byee" we said goodbye to him and went to the car.

"He is very handsome" I said out loud as soon as we get to the car.

Then Zhan looked at me surprisingly and said,

"I'm really worried about Wang Yibo now, what are you even talking about?? You already have a man and you got pregnant with him you remember??, if you keep acting like this I'm gonna tell this to Yibo"

"Yah idiot I was just kidding but he is handsome it's not a lie" I said.


After we had lunch we arrived at my place. Then Zhan told me that he gonna leave. So we went out again. After I said goodbye to him I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked around. Oh god!! It's that Mr. Handsome.

I bowed at him and started to walk away, but he interrupted me and said that he would like to come over,

"Let me help you to arrange some stuff a you can't do all the things by yourself"

I should've ignore him but I couldn't so I said yes to him.


"Done" he said looking at me.

"Thank you so much for your help Cheng"

"No it's okay don't thank me, I'm doing this because your friend told me to do so"

"Oh because of that idiot " i said laughing out loudly.

"You can stay here for dinner" I said.

"Yeah sure, I'll help you to prepare the dishes"

My phone started ringing at the moment so I excused him and pick it up it was Zhan.

"Hello y/n what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing I'm going to prepare dinner, where are you?"

"Mmm I'm at yibo's place"

"Oh is that so" my head started aching after hearing his name.

"Isn't it hard to eat alone as you don't like to eat alone?" Zhan asked.

"Actually I'm not alone.." then there was an awkward silence.

"Don't tell me that Cheng is there with you" he raised his voice.

"Yes he is but don't shout like a bull you were the one who told him to hangout with me"

"Yaaaa this isn't working this way I'm gonna tell this to Yibo"Zhan said.

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