Part 22

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Cheng's p.o.v

I tried so hard to hold back my tears but I it was useless as when I saw both Yibo and Zhan crying my eyes started stinging.

"We gotta go now doctors said that we can take the baby today with us." Zhan said. Then a nurse came with documents

"Who is the father of the child?." She asked.

Yibo stood up and went towards her handing me the baby.

"Me." He said.

"You have to fill the documents and give it to me before you leave I'll be outside." Then she left.


"You guys go and take the car I'll be there after handing the documents." Yibo said to us, his voice was so broken and I felt like he is ashamed of his past acts now.

"Okay we'll take him with us then." Zhan said.

"Yeah sure." He said and glanced at the baby with his eyes full of worries and tears.

I held Jing Ying with so much care and love, he is clung to me like a bubblegum. Suddenly I started remembering the things that me, y/n and Zhan did together when she was pregnant with him. I badly miss her. I know you miss your mom too Jing Ying.

If my baby was alive Jing Ying would have a playmate. These kind of thoughts haunted my mind and tears started overflowing from my eyes.

Y/n are you watching us!!?

Zhan's p.o.v

No words to say about this situation and even I tried to be strong I couldn't pretend like that anymore so I broke down. Cheng seems so hurt. Both became so close for this few months. I wonder how Yibo feels about this. After all I should apologize to him. For hiding everything.

I saw Cheng crying again in silence so I went to him.

"Everything will be alright Cheng. We all miss her, mostly this little one will miss his mom."

"I know I know but I can't hold it anymore that's why I had to let my tears out."

"Okay, from now let's be strong for the sake of the baby and Yibo. Okay?."

"Yeah." He said.

I saw then Yibo coming towards the car. Only a human shell is left his soul and feelings were gone as I could see. But when he held the baby I saw overflowing love towards him.

Yibo's p.o.v

I hated you! I hated this baby! Thought that he broke our relationship and took you away from me. Yes he took you away from me but he strengthened our bond. I feel so ashamed about the things I did, thoughts I thought about you. Completely misunderstood you as a bitch. But it turns out that you are an angel as Zhan said. You should've told this to me. Why you kept silent about this?

At least now I should know the real facts so I decided to ask Zhan but before I talk to him, he did.

"Yibo you gotta know everything and I'm really sorry for hiding. I just wanted to be a good friend to her. That's why I kept silent,because I couldn't break her heart."

"Can you please explain to me?." I asked.

"You better read her words it'll be better than our explanation." Cheng said.

This person who is here has done all the things that should be done by me took care of my y/n and my baby boy. Instead of thanking him the only thing I did was blaming him and shouting at him. I should say sorry to him now.

"Okay then and Cheng thanks for everything taking care of them, leading my role in their life. I should be grateful but all I did was shouting. I wasn't there but you was as a caring brother and a friend. Thank you."

"And also Zhan same goes to you thank you for caring and loving both of them. It's because of you that Jing Ying is here sound and safe."

"It's okay. As we are his uncle we should do this right Cheng?." Zhan said.

"Ofc and Yibo no need to apologize, every time that I got angry towards you y/n always calmed me down saying that you only said that out of anger so don't hold a grudge. I don't hate you, I completely understand you."

"Thanks Cheng." Then our little Jing Ying woke up and held my finger together with his whole small hand.

Will I be able to be a good father to him? How can I do things alone, i know I got this guys back but after all how am I gonna handle things?

I started questioning myself but I didn't thought that there were answers to them.

"Don't worry she is here always with us looking at us and protecting us. We'll be alright with this baby. And you gonna be a great dad." Cheng answered my questions eventhough I didn't speak those things out loud.

Is he an angel who came to take care of our family or what?

And y/n are you there can you hear me! If you can remember that I always love you and you'll be my one and only for this lifetime of mine. Love you and miss you already.

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