Chapter One: First Day

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Chapter One: First Day

It's the first day of school and as I make my way to school. I sat in the luxurious back seat of the black Mercedes sedan that my chauffeur, known to him as Uncle Tang drove. As I looked out of the window, not looking forward to this first day of school, Uncle Tang asked me, "Young Master Charles, are you excited about the first day of school?". I replied with a shrug. I truly didn't feel much about school and what's more, entering into a brand new school. "If you are afraid, you don't have to be, young master. I am sure you will make lots of friends here."

I was still sore about having to move to Singapore from California. After all, I have been enrolled in that school for the longest period of time. You see, my Dad owns a Multi-National Corporation that deals in property development and his company (mainly he) decided that he wanted to ride the Singapore booming property market. And, this is the reason our whole family has relocated here for him to concentrate 100% on setting up business here in Singapore.

"It's not that Uncle Tang. I just miss my friends in California. It's just... so sudden" I trailed off. Uncle Tang looked into the rear-view mirror at me, trying to make eye-contact. "Life is full of surprises sometimes. We have to adapt to these changes life throws at us and embrace them. Look at Uncle Tang. I was roped into coming to Singapore for a job but I couldn't find one. But, your Dad found me by chance and look where I am today. I never would've thought that I would become a chauffeur. I always thought I would become a construction worker or something." I have to agree with Uncle Tang on the point that life is indeed full of surprises, albeit bad ones. I guess I don't have a choice but to accept this fate and move on, I guess he is right that there isn't anything I can do but sulk about it. And still, nothing will change. I looked Uncle Tang in the rear-view mirror and said, "Thanks. Guess I'll try to forget that and move on." Uncle Tang smirked and I managed to see that from the mirror.

As the ride continued, I looked outside the window. It was surely quite a beautiful city. I was sulking the whole of the past week that I've never noticed any of these. The roadsides were filled with blooming flowers and lush greenery. The road condition though was as horrible as in California. You see, in California, my Father had the grand idea of buying a property within the city so that he could commute easily. And, that was a good idea on his part because he works within the city. My school was in the suburbs meaning I had to travel out of the city every day and back and the traffic along those highways were terrible- a little better here in Singapore but somewhat similar. I grumbled a little at this. Guess I'll have to deal with this every day of my life then. At least till Dad decides some other country is better than here.

Uncle Tang pulled up right in front of the school gate and looked back at me. "Are you ready to go young master?" I heaved a sigh and opened the door. I took a look at the school and all the people around me.

Did I also forget to mention that I was actually born here in Singapore? My Dad is an American and my mum is Singaporean. They met in U.S at a conference or something. And I was born here, only to be shipped back to America when I was 5. To be back here is somewhat interesting?

The school gates read, "Delta Secondary School". I walked into the school gates and was met with a teacher in the foyer. Ms Ho, as I would call her later was actually my physics, maths and homeroom teacher. She motioned me towards her. I walked towards her and was greeted with a smile and a question, "Are you Charles? It's your first day of school here?" I replied with a meek, "Yeah". She continued explaining to me the rules, the times and all those other administrative stuff. She brought me up to the classroom where the class has not started yet. From a distance, I could hear loud shouting, some muffled screams and laughter. That is what you get when you put a bunch of teenagers together without adult supervision. Pure chaos. As Ms Ho showed her lovely face to the class together with a stern look, the class froze and immediately quiet down. I almost chuckled at their reaction to a teacher suddenly walking into the class much before the bell. The class monitor asked the class to greet Ms Ho. After those formalities were over, Ms Ho introduced me to the class. "This is Charles. He just moved from California to Singapore. So, all of you better take care of him and don't bully him ar*." She glanced at me and gave me a smile. "Go on. Introduce yourself to the class." The class clapped and cheered me on. I wasn't used to so much attention onto me and seriously, it was kind of nerve wrecking. I panned the room and started speaking at no one in particular, "Hi... I am Charles, as you've already known. I just landed in Singapore last week and till now it's been quite a nice place. It's a bit hot though." The class curst out laughing. I smiled. I guess this is a good start? "Now, would you sit in that empty sit next to Samson?" I nodded and made my way to the empty sit.

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