Chapter Thirty Three: Danger is lurking

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The next day in school, I was pretty tired considering I actually did my homework for a change and for that; I slept a little later than usual. This is the fate of every Singaporean student. It was not a matter of whether you'll be in the top because almost everyone with the exception of me does their homework diligently. Of course there will be black sheep like me who do not do their homework. However, I wasn't that bad in my studies though. I excelled in any art related classes like history, geography and English of course.

"You look tired. Slept late?" Samson asked as he came into the class. I was earlier than him today because he insisted on coming to school himself.

"Yeah. I did the homework Ms Ho asked us to do" I said, yawning.

"You did?" he said, rather surprised.

"Yes. I just wanted to do it. That's all" I said.

I remembered about what Amanda said to me about Priscilla that she might come to confront me. But I didn't want to worry Samson so I decided against telling him. After all, telling him this piece of information would only stand to make him feel more guilty about breaking up with her and also to worry more about me. One less thing to worry is always better.

"You seem to have something on your mind. Say it" he said, as if he could read into my inner thoughts.

"Nothing" I said, smiling, trying my best to hide what I thought of.

"Really?" he said as he reached over and jabbed me in the sides.

"Really! Stop it" I asked him to stop jabbing me in the sides. I was weak against tickles.

"Really?" He jabbed at me again.

"Really. Please stop" I was begging for him to stop.

"So early in the morning already lovey dovey already ar?" Josha said. Josha and his obnoxious mouth. Why do we have to listen to his spouting nonsense so early in the morning?

"Nope. It's just a questioning session" Samson said. I frowned but then put up a fake smile for Josha.

"Sure thing. Lovebirds" he said sniggering and walking over to his desk.

Lessons continued and it was actually great that I did my homework since now I understand the lesson even better. I'm glad I didn't waste my time but seriously, if everyone here in Singapore had so much homework to do, how would we find time to do other things? Aren't we just kids after all? I had never grown accustomed to the environment and the lifestyle here. The only thing I grew accustomed to was the food, the Singlish as well as Samson. I looked over at Samson and saw him concentrating so hard on the lessons it was kind of funny. But, he also looked cute and handsome when he had that serious face.

Recess came and I was looking for my wallet in my bag so I told the group to go ahead first and I would catch up with them later. It took a while for me to find my wallet because it was lodged between some folders and textbooks in my bag. I took my wallet and was about to leave the classroom when I saw that Priscilla was standing at the door.

"Hi Charles" she said. I was shocked by her sudden appearance.

"Hi? What do you want? Samson's not here" I asked, unsure of what she might want.

"Oh. I'm not here for Samson" she said, almost sarcastically.

"I'm here for you. I want to warn you to fucking stay the hell away from Samson!" she started to scream as she hurled vulgarities in my way.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to play dumb. This was going to be a tough situation to get out of.

"You know jolly well what the fuck I am talking about!" she said, obviously fuming mad now.

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