Chapter Two: The Room

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Chapter 2: The Room

The next day, I went to school. On the way to school in the car, I was dozing off. I still couldn't get used to the change in time zones and for the past week, I have been sleeping on and off in the noon and at night. And, I am always tired and sleepy. I wished that I didn't have school and I could just sleep in for the day.

Fast-forward to class time. I entered the class and as usual, it was noisy and filled with laughter. The bell hasn't rang yet so the teacher won't be in yet. While the other students have all arrived, Samson wasn't in yet. I noticed that his seat was the only seat empty save mine. I promptly walked up to my seat and sat down. I wonder what happened to him.

Class started as usual and Samson was reported as absent and ill. The day went by pretty fast and I've made a few more friends in the class. Particularly with Josha, Joel, Nigel, and Danesh who were part of clique. Danesh and Josha were the jokers of the clique always joking about with each other and poking fun at others. Nigel was the study genius and the cliqued seemed to ask him just about anything and he would always have a reply. Talk about a genius. Joel was pretty quiet at first but he opened up a little to me. I didn't know how I became part of this clique but I just did because they seemed to have roped me in engaging me in all sorts of conversations, especially about my time in the U.S. This lot seemed an awful lot interested in America. It was fine by me that I got to have a few more friends.

School ended and the school bell rang. I followed my new found clique and as they headed for the main gates chatting happily, I decided that I had to go practice for the concert coming up. "Hey guys, I'm going to the percussion room now to practice for the concert. See you tomorrow", I said. They all said their goodbyes and I teased them to come see my first performance. They reluctantly agreed. I made my way to the ensemble room at E203. As I approached it, I couldn't see any lights in the room and at first I thought it was vacant. As I walked a little closer to check, I realised a light was left on at the back. Good. This meant there is probably someone and I can practice for the concert. I opened the door and stepped inside.

At first I thought there was no one. Then, a muffled sobbing could be heard. For a second I froze and thought OMG.I can't be that unlucky right? I quickly peered around hoping for there to be someone. Then, I spotted someone in the corner at the back of the room sobbing quite silently. Then I realised it was Samson. Wow. Even a though guy like him would cry like this. It must've been something really serious. I was contemplating whether to approach the sobbing Samson or to leave immediately, the door slammed shut behind me announcing my prompt arrival. Samson looked up almost immediately and quickly wiped his tears away. He looked a mixture of shock and embarrassment; shocked to see me and embarrassed I'd seen him cry. I walked slowly towards the Samson that was still trying to wipe his tears away. I fumbled in my pockets to produce a handkerchief and offered it to him. All the while he was messy and tried wiping the mucus and teas with the back of his hand.

I have never encountered such a situation and was somewhat unsure what I was to do. I had terribly wanted to flee this place swiftly had the door not close on me. Now I am stuck in this awkward situation. Better make the best of this then. Come on. Comfort him. "Hey, what's wrong Samson?" I asked in the gentlest voice I could muster. Through his sobbing he said something that I couldn't make out and I just went along with it and nodded. Then I said, "Hey. It's alright." With that sentence, he sobbed even harder. I sure wasn't expecting that. As I tried to calm him down with water and pats, he started to calm down and sob less. He said through his sobbing, "My mum is hospitalised. She was just diagnosed with stage 3 bone cancer." I didn't know how to reply to that so I just opened my arms and invited him for an embrace. Clearly he was hesitant, but he went for the hug anyways. After about 10 minutes of me talking, he finally calmed down to tell me his whole story.

His dad divorced his mother when he was 5 for another woman. It had only been him and his mum living together until last night when he went home after practice; he found her unconscious on the floor of the house. She was diagnosed with cancer and was due to be hospitalised. His fear was not only that of losing his mum but also that he couldn't afford to pay for her bills. I didn't know what came over me but at that moment I said, "Don't worry about the bills, it will be settled. Somehow" "How", he asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "I'll take care of it", I said. He opened his eyes slightly wider in disbelief. "What? You will help me to foot the bills? Why?" I didn't know how to reply to that so I said something like, "I like to be helpful. That's all." Nice try. It's such a lame reason.

At this point of time, I still haven't told anyone that I belonged to an above average family (in terms of wealth). (Not trying to brag or anything) We broke from the embrace and he looked a lot more calm and composed now. We stayed there in the room and talked about each other more careful to not step on any triggering mines that might trigger the next crying fit of his. Seeing him this relieved and happy again made me somehow happy. "About that thing you were about to say last night to me before you boarded the bus. What was it?", I asked. "Well, it's just you need to put your emotions into playing. I think of my dad and anger is all I get and I put that into my music", he replied. I nodded as if I understood that. Then he suddenly stood up and motioned me to go practice with him. As we played the drums for a couple of hours more, he gradually started laughing more, especially at the parts which I was completely baffled and confused, unable to play at all. Patiently, he taught me those difficult parts slowly. And slowly, I got a hang of it. As we decided to call it a day, we locked up the room and returned the keys to the office.

Now, as we head towards the bus stop, his grim look returned. I caught that and I knew where his mind was wondering off to. I quickly flagged a cab and asked him to get on it with me. Then I asked him where the hospital was and directed the taxi driver to the hospital. I phoned Uncle Tang and explained my situation so that he would not worry and so he could tell my mother as well.

We stopped at the hospital and went to see his mother who apparently has been moved to another room from last night. So we moved a couple of times to find her. In the end, as we step into the dimly lit room, I decided I would stand near the entrance so as not to disturb the intimate time Samson could spend with his mum. I could hardly make out anything they were saying and the muffled sobs. I suddenly caught sight and noticed Samson motioning for me to go over. I made my way over to see a woman in her mid-forties lying on the hospital bed. She smiled at me and thanked me for being a friend and comforting her son. "Would you also mind staying with my son for the time being till I am not hospitalised? I'll be really grateful.", she asked me politely. How could I decline her request?" "This son of mine can hardly take care of himself without me", she added. "Ma", Samson tried protesting. "Of course... er... Ma'am", I replied. "Just call me Auntie. Don't need so formal one", she gave a smile at me and Samson. I smiled back.

After a little more exchanges between Samson and his mother and a teary goodbye, I followed Samson. We headed to the reception where Uncle Tang was already waiting for me. I invited Samson to come into the car. As we drove off, there was so much awkward silence in the car and I am sure even Uncle Tang and his wittiness didn't know what to say. So, I reached for the remote control and turned on the radio. The sound of soft music filled the car and it was a slow and silent ride home.

At home, I went into the house first to explain the situation to my mother who was very supportive of what I had done. I actually expected her to scold me for pledging dad's money away. Then she went outside to welcome Samson into the house. She introduced him to all the housekeepers that were still present and asked me to show him to my room. So, we went up to my bedroom. I passed him a pyjamas and a towel to bath. "You might need to wear my uniform tomorrow if you don't mind. Maybe we should've stopped by your house first", I said. "No. It's quite late already and I can just wear your uniform. It doesn't matter as long as you don't mind it."

After taking baths in turns, we turned into bed. I asked, "Would you mind leaving the lights on? I am not used to sleeping without the lights." He chuckled a bit, "Scared of the dark ar* Charles?" I smiled innocently as if to agree to what he just said. I wasn't embarrassed. Well, maybe a little. But I was just glad that Samson is now smiling and joking. He grew a little more sombre and asked, "So what made you decide to help someone like me? I wasn't like the best to you or anything." I just shrugged. I didn't truly know why as well. I just it was just fate that I was in that room and I had to do something or else it would seem like I was a terrible jerk. I turned to him and saw that he was already sounding asleep. I was too, lulled into the deep sleep that was persistently calling me.

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