Chapter Six: Alone

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Chapter 6: Alone

I was home alone. I didn't know what to think of. All that was running through my head was the fear of losing this best friend that I had for the past months. That would be like moving from America to Singapore and losing my friends again; except, I won't be losing my friends through physical distance but by emotional distance. I sat silently in my bed but I took the pills in my mouth and chewed on them hard. The bitterness came shortly after but I endured it and took a huge gulp of water. I placed the tray to my bedside table and immediately reached for my phone.

I look at my iPhone, my fingers expertly moved and navigated to the phonebook and Samson's contact details. Just a press on the call button and maybe, just maybe we could work things out. I don't know what was going through Samson's mind; probably hate, disgust or something on that line. I had read about how Singapore and the Asian countries around it don't really give as much support to the LGBT community.

I stared hard at the button and my finger hovered over the call button. What was I going to say when I called him? Would he be angry? Does he even want to talk to me now? All these questions filled my brain but somehow my finger pressed the call button. A loud ringtone sounded just 2 meters away at the other bedside table and gave me the shock of my life. As I calmed down and hung up, I look over and realised that in his haste, Samson forgotten to bring his iPhone along. Now, what am I going to do? I rushed out of my room. I was just minutes later than when he left the house. If anything, I might be lucky enough to catch up to him.

I ran downstairs and Aunty Marie spotted me. She screamed at me and questioned where I was going. I ignored her anxiety and got out of the main door and Uncle Tang was standing there. Uncle Tang walk calmly to me and asked, "What's wrong young master?" Just then, Aunty Marie came running out and jabbering. Uncle Tang interrupted her and promised her he would take care of me. She calmed down a little. "But Charles is still sick. Don't let him go too far. He needs to rest." She commanded.

I got into the car and told Uncle Tang to hurry. "Drive around the area and see if you can see Samson. He left his phone at home." I lied. Well technically it wasn't a complete lie. And I think Uncle Tang can see that but he kept mum. Driving around, on the opposite side of the road, I could make out the features of Samson. "Uncle Tang! Opposite! He's at that bus stop!" I exclaimed, pointing to the direction.

Uncle Tang quickly but safely made a about turn to that bus stop opposite. But it was all too late because I saw him boarding a bus. Guess it's all over now. Uncle Tang would never let me go after him. I can't stop the bus too in the state I am in. So Uncle Tang turns to me and asked, "So, can we go back home now, young master? It's alright that he doesn't have a phone. I'm sure nothing will happen to him." I nodded because I know not the reason to persuade him to follow Samson.

When I reached home, I immediately turned on my laptop and decided that it would be a good idea to try and see where Samson went. If I know where he went, maybe I could find him. I entered the bus number into the bus service guide and it spewed me a list of the possible destinations. One of the destinations was OPP Singapore General Hospital. And that might be the place that he would've gone to, to see his mother.

I crept downstairs trying very hard not to alert Aunty Marie again. I knew that if she caught me I would never be able to get out of the house. She was only doing it for my own good but I really needed to go after Samson. I gingerly opened the front door till it was about enough to just fit me before I slipped out and shut the door slowly. Then I raced across the front porch and exited the gates. I flagged down a taxi that happened to be nearby and instructed it to fetch me to the SGH hospital.

I paid the cab driver the taxi fee and exited the cab. Inside the hospital I made my way to the room that his mother was warded in. I was about to walk towards the corridor that the room was situated when something struck me. What am I going to say to him? I shook off that thought and decided that I would let myself speak freely later. That is, if he is even here. I walked to the ward's door and stood there for a few seconds.

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