Chapter Twenty Five: Alliances

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Hi readers! Thanks for the reads and favs. I can fell your excitement for this chapter to know how people would react to not only Charles and Samson coming out but also revealing that they are together. So here it is, Enjoy! Anyways, thanks for 2000 views!!! Beacuse of this view count increase and in my excitement, I wrote this chapter last night and completed it! Thanks for the support and please continue to support this series and help to tell your friends/families whom you know will enjoy this story!


"We called you here to celebrate with us. Celebrate that Charles and I are officially together" Samson spoke up. The room went immediately silent. I looked around anxious at their replies and reaction. I looked immediately at Joel who seemed to be the most surprised.

"Is that all?" Danesh asked.

"Yeah. That is all we wanted to say" I replied.

"So it is true then. We've known for some time already but we just weren't sure" Danesh continued.

"Yeah. Give Charles a kiss to prove it to us!" Josha said to presumably lighten up the mood.

"Yeah. Come on!" Danesh spurred.

Samson slinked his arm over to my neck and pulled me in onto his lap before he kissed me. I blushed immediately and tried to get up as fast as I could especially when everyone was cooing at what we've done. All except for Joel who seemed to look away when we kissed. I guess calling him over wasn't such a good idea after all. At least I could see that Samson was laughing now and that made me smile.

The mood got solemn again as we revealed the real reason why we decided to tell them this piece of news so suddenly.

"Samson's girlfriend found out about us today and she went bat shit crazy and began to hit the shit out of him. I stopped her but she...she is going to tell everyone about us" I said a worried look on my face. Samson took my hand in his and squeezed it lightly. I looked at him and tried to smile.

"Hey don't worry. Remember, you got the school magazine editor here. I will write an article for you to dispel the rumours. That would be a piece of cake" Josha said, as he hooked his arm around my neck and gently nudged my tummy playfully.

"Thanks" Samson and I said in unison to Josha.

"Wow. They are even telepathic!" Josha began to tease us again. The rest of them started laughing, even Joel. I eased up a little and heaved a sigh of relief. It was great having such good friends that you can depend on. I can't belive it but I was insanely lucky to have such accepting and supportive friends.

"So what are you sighing for?" Danesh asked.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am for having friends like you that we can count on" I said. They all shook it off and said that I was being too kind with my words. But I knew it was the truth. We drank our beer and ate chips and chatted till it was rather late. Danesh helped to drink the remaining beers but was dead drunk just like Josha and Samson. They all lay on the carpet and slept, sometimes murmuring things that were not understandable or mostly gurgling that was inaudible.

Joel stepped out to the balcony and I followed after him. He drank the beer too but I guess we had too little or maybe we both could hold our alcohol well.

"So. What I guessed was true. You had Samson. That's why. Isn't it?" he asked me, looking out into the distance.

"Yeah. I wasn't ready to tell you yet" I said.

"I'm sorry about that day. I won't tell anyone about the Joseph thing" he said to me and looked. I cringed a little at the mention of his name.

"I don't want to remember anything about him" I said.

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