Chapter Thirty Five: Rainbow after a Storm

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I'm half done with studying but since I started writing this chapter during my in-between-study-breaks I could hardly stop, so, here it is. It's done for you all to enjoy! I got to go back to studying so, yeah...I guess the next one will be out on saturday or sunday at latest. Cheers! It's nearing 4 k views!


I got a call in the middle of the night. I took my phone out and saw that it was Samson calling. I groaned and while half-asleep I picked up the call.

“What is it Samson?” I asked, yawning.

He sounded anxious, “Charles. Len is bleeding. He…he…he’s been stabbed. Come to the hospital now”.

I literally jumped up from my sleep,” What? Len’s been stabbed?” I asked again to double confirm what I was hearing.

“Yes. Hurry here. Call Joel to drive you over. Hurry” He said as he hurriedly clicked the phone off.

I dialled Joel and told him about the situation. Surely I couldn’t wake Uncle Tang up to drive me to the hospital at this kind of ungodly hour. Shit! How did this happen? Joel was calm enough to say that he would be at my gates in 10 minutes and we’ll be at the hospital in about 20 minutes.

I knew Samson had gone out with Len to thank him for saving our asses that day after school. He wanted to treat him to a meal and some drinks. I declined because I didn’t feel well and excused myself to go home instead. If only I was there with Samson. Wait, was Samson hurt too? The call was so hurried and Samson was so flustered that I didn’t even have time to respond and ask him some questions. I felt stupid. The car horn broke my train of thoughts and I went into the car.

Joel drove quickly there and there was an air of silence around in the car, the only thing that broke the silence was when Joel decided to turn on the radio. It wasn’t any nice music on play at this ungodly hour though so we settled for classical symphony music seeing that the silence was adding to our own anxiety. The drive seemed long and I could not help but think if Samson was hurt. I texted him a couple of times but there wasn’t any reply.

When we got to the hospital, I rushed to the front desk to see the receptionist and gave Len’s name for which they directed me to the emergency room that Len was in. He was in operation and was still in a critical state. I saw Samson sitting outside the room, biting his lip and resting his chin on his wrists, deep in thought. His shirt was stained with blood and so were his hands. I guess it was Len’s, but I wanted to confirm.

“Samson!” I called out; careful that I wasn’t too loud since it was a hospital.

He stood up when he saw me and instead of saying anything, he stretched out his arms and hugged me.

“I was so scared. I couldn’t do anything to help Len” he said, somewhat sobbing. Joel stood by, watching.

“There there. It’s fine Samson. Are you hurt?” I asked as I stroked the back of his head.

He seemed to calm down and he shook his head to signify that he did not get hurt. I was relieved but still, I couldn’t help but worry about Len. I could see that Joel worried about Len too, even though they barely just met a day or two ago. Just then, the doctor came out of the operating theatre.

We rushed to where the doctor was, “Are you his family, or friends?”

“We’re his friends. How is he, doctor?” Samson asked, his face full of worry.

“He’s in a stable condition now. We’ll need to move him to a ward and then you can go visit him. But first, where are his parents?” the doctor asked.

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