Chapter Twenty Nine: Under my nose

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I got out of the car at Kembangan and hoped that I didn't miss the train that Samson was on. After all I didn't really know where he was going. Maybe this was a stupid idea after all, I thought to myself. But still, my legs took me to the platform and with my trusty cap and a hoodie; I tried to make myself look like some sort of a skater kid. The hoodie was a little oversized and the cap is something I never wore yet my dad bought it for me when he went to Hong Kong for a business trip. I guess it is the thought that counts.

I got into the train that came just after I arrived at the platform. I suspected that Samson was rushing for time so he had no reason to miss a few trains. I got onto the train and I flipped out my mobile and used an app to check where he was. The fact was a month ago, we installed an app on our phones that would tell each of us where we were. It wasn't supposed to be used to track people like this and besides you need to be able to access their phones to even be able to do this. I'm not trying to justify my spying methods but I guess it is what it is. I took note that he was just 20 meters away from me. I walked towards the carriage that he was supposedly in and tried to see if he was there, and then when I saw him, I tipped my cap down and pretended to use my phone while constantly looking up at him. He was staring out of the window so he didn't notice me or anyone in the train for that matter.

I wonder where he was going in such a rush. And, why all the secrecy? Weren't we boyfriends? What couldn't he tell me? All these questions ran through my mind and I started to get a little pissed off. Initially, I wanted to walk up next to him and confront him about it but I guess he would just dodge the question and maybe even swing it around to me. I decided against it and continued to watch him. He wasn't acting anything out of the blue though he was a little more fidgety than usual which only happens when he is thinking deeply or when he is in some sort of situation that he can't seem to get out of, like when his mum keeps nagging at him and doesn't stop.

He got off at Bugis station. It was one of the most crowded places. I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing for me. On the one hand the crowd acted like a cover for me so that I would not come under any detection from Samson. On the other hand, the crowd also meant that I could lose sight of him at any time and the app has a margin of error of 5 m. That isn't very accurate if you think about it. That could mean he was across to the road or on my side of the road. I guess I was lucky I didn't bump into him on the train given the uncertainty of the app.

I followed him and luckily he didn't cross the crowded road. He seemed to be entering into the mall. Through the mall, he stopped to take a call. I was walking so fast and suddenly stopped when he took a call that I halted too, nearly banging into a man behind me. I turned around to apologise to the man but he just brushed it off. I looked back at where Samson was and he was gone. I looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. I panicked. I came all the way here to lose sight of him? What a dumbass! I scolded myself in my head.

I walked around, hoping to catch sight of him but to no avail. I tried using the app but it was good only on a single floor. The mall had multiple floors which meant he could be on floor 4 when I am on floor 1 at the same spot, not to mention the margin of error. I took my chances and walked to wards where the spot indicated was. I walked towards the spot which was just around the pillar. I turned the corner and immediately I jumped back into the comfort of the pillar. They were barely meters away from me.

Suddenly I felt an urge to run away but my mind wanted to find out who the other person was. I let my body do the movement and I decided to walk past them and hope they didn't notice. I walked past them, only to see Samson talking with Priscilla. What? I could feel my pulse hastening. I could feel something in me. Was it anger? Jealousy? Didn't you two already break up that day? Why didn't you tell me you were meeting with HER? I was walking so quickly that I didn't even realise it. My tears started forming and rolled down my cheeks. I started crying.

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