Chapter Sixteen: The start of change

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After the performance ended it was more hectic than before the concert itself because everyone was busying themselves with the instruments and changing out of the clothes. It was around 20 minutes after our performance and there were still a couple more performances before the event ended. We hurriedly shifted all our instruments onto the van that was bound towards the school. People who wanted to leave from the place could leave but those who wanted to hitch a ride to school could follow the van.

Among those were the senior girls, Amanda, Lucas and Joseph who took the van back to the school. As Samson debriefed everyone and congratulated us all for our efforts and success of this performance, we clapped and said our goodbyes to each other. Then we parted ways, Samson coming with me. Just as I turned to face Samson, I noticed that Joseph was looking at my direction. I'm quite sure that he just winked at me. Or maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. It didn't really matter so I shook it off and went with Samson.

We made our way to the exit area where my parents would be at. "Charles. You did great today. It so great this performance is finally over. There would be another at the end of the year but it won't be as grand as this", I blushed at his praise and looked away. As I looked away, out came half-running and half walking, Samson's mother. "Samson!" she called as she opened up her arms to signal and embrace from her son. Samson rushed over at the sight of her and gave her the hug she wanted very much. "What are you doing here mum?" he asked. "The doctor's said I've almost recovered already so I just need to go for regular check-ups and take my medication. Actually it's been a week since I've been at home. I just thought I would clean the house up before you come home again" at the end of that sentence, the reality kicked in and I just stood there senseless.

Samson's going to move back now? Then what am I...? I was thinking of such selfish thoughts when his mum said to us, "By the way. What a great performance, you two!" I forced a smile at her reply. How could I smile knowing that Samson would not be with me every moment anymore? I've grown so used to his company that I am scared of what it feels like to be without him. I looked at Samson's direction. In his eyes I saw a mixture of sadness and happiness. I could empathise with his situation but selfishness won over that day, "Well, my parents are over there. I should be going now. Great to see you well Aunty". With that, I waved at both of them as I reluctantly turned away from them and made my way towards my family.

It just can't be. It's too sudden. Why is this happening? I knew it was bound to happen. One day his mother would get well and then he would need to stay with her. There would be no reason for him to stay with me anymore. I made my way towards my family as a feeling of loss grew inside of me. Clara was the first to see me and she gave me a hug. Somehow, I don't know what triggered me but I started to cry. "Hey hey baby brother. Why are you crying? You did awesome. Right ma, pa?" she turned to look at them." I couldn't look up with my crying face. I wiped my tears on my sleeves and picked up the bag with the soft toy and my clothes. "'s nothing. I was just nervous all the way...and it's just a relief it's over" I said. Obviously it was a lie but I don't know if Clara caught me. "Let's get to the car already. Where's Samson?" my father asked. "Erm. His mother is well again so she told him to move back with her. He'll collect his clothes and everything some other day" I replied.

"Is that so? That's great. Give her our good wishes." my mother said. I nodded. There was literally nothing I could do but sulk that Samson will no longer be with me in the same room. The company that I grew so accustomed to was now gone. Even so, sulking wouldn't be the wisest thing to do with Clara around for I am certain she could see through my emotions and pry the truth out of me. What terrible fate awaits me if she does?

We got into the Mercedes that Uncle Tang drove and we headed home. It was late, past 9:30 and I was getting sleepy from the entire day's happenings. I guess sleep would win over my loss today. At least, it would take away my pain or numb it. I dozed off in the car. When we reached home, my parents retreated to the room and I dragged my tired body to my room and was about to fall onto my bed dead asleep, I heard a knock on the door.

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