Chapter Forty-Six: Cat's Out of the Bag?

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I gathered myself in that moment and everything seemed to come to a slow as we both stared at each other. I could see fear in his eyes. And there was more. I saw worry, regret and something else I couldn't quite make out. I myself was a wreck of emotions. What am I supposed to do now?

"Shit" he silent cursed, drawing me back into the present situation, one that I would rather not have faced in the first place. What is one supposed to do when your partner's parent walked in on you doing the deed with her son? Well, Samson was right about one thing - Shit!

"Come on. Get dressed" he pushed me gently off of him as he scrambled to get up and quickly wore his clothing. I've never seen Samson so flustered before and he raced to put on his clothing in record time. I slowly put on mine since it was really just all over the place and finding them was a chore itself. Before I could wear some pants, he already darted out of the room and to the living room. I could hear his cries for his mother.

"Mum?" he called out. I think his mother is probably still in shock. Replying him would probably not happen. I strained my ears to catch any trace of conversation that might happen between the mother and son. But there was nothing I could hear. I don't think it would be a wise choice to go see Samson's mother now in person. Besides, I'm way too embarrassed about the whole thing to face her.

"Charles!" Samson came shouting as he barged into the room, giving me quite a shock.

"What?" I asked him, a frown on my face.

"Mum's not home. Where did she go?" worried frowns started to appear on his face. I knew he was worried about his mother. Shit! Why was I so careless? I cursed at myself under my breath and looked away from Samson because I could not stand to look at him. After all, it was me who put him in such a situation.

"Hey. Hey. It's not your fault, OK?" he said as he clasped his hands on my face and forced me gently to look into those beautiful eyes of his. They were filled with worry and something else, but there was also love. I could feel it. I was a wreck, full of guilt for what had happened. If only we didn't...

"Please stop it" he said, gripping my face tighter. "It's not your fault. If anything" he paused. "It's mine" he continued. Silence ensued and I didn't know what to reply to that so I pulled his hands from my face and then opened my arms to wrap them around Samson.

"I think I'll be best if you go home and rest while I wait for Mom to come home" he said to me after a long while of silent hugging. I nodded. I knew he was just worried how his mother might react to what she saw.

I packed my stuff and sling one band over my shoulder and looked back at Samson. Again I felt the guilt eat away at me. How could I be so careless? The worried look probably got to him because again he hugged me.

"Just get some rest. I'll sort this out" he whispered into my ear and gave me a slight peck on the cheek before he waved me off.

The ride down the elevator was silent, long and I could say many things swept through my mind. Everything I could think of however was what I shouldn't have done. How could's all my fault.

Samson's Viewpoint

I told Charles to go home while I wait for mom to come home, but he insisted on staying behind with me. I wasn't until I told him about my fears of my mom having unexpected reactions which I'd rather he not be present to see, that he agreed to go home.

"I'll call you when I'm home. Or text you...if you're busy" he said, faking a smile. I nodded silently.

"Erm" he continued. "Call me if anything happens ok?" he said. I could feel something pushing forth from within me. I felt like I was going to cry then. But, how could I? In front of Charles. I sucked it in and pretended that I didn't hear any of it, steeling myself.

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