Chapter Twenty Three: How dare you?

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  • Dedicated to Clarevoiyant's Boyfriend

Personal Notes: Special thanks to AltairdeDios for the numberous likes and advice on POV changes so that the story seems a bit more vibrant. Here is to trying from Joel's point of view! Check out AltairdeDios's works like teenage love affair(I'm sure you will be everybit entertained by his story!)And enjoy this chapter and the others before for it might be some time before the next chapter is out. Well, back to studying and assignments. :(


(Joel's Viewpoint)

I went back to class instead of joining Danesh and Josha because I really wanted to apologise to Charles about the whole thing. Charles didn't go to recess with us was because of me. Even though he might have shown me he didn't, deep down inside I think he did. Maybe I alone thought that he liked boys from his demeanour and my gut feelings. Maybe it was just me being ridiculous. Maybe he was absolutely disgusted by me. If that is the case then maybe I should just set things right with him. I should just let know that I would not go after him anymore as we had agreed. Maybe then he'll feel safer...from me.

I walked to class thinking about what I was to say to him when I see him in class. Anytime soon now. I tried to mentally prepare myself but to no avail as my mind was a complete blank. All I could think of was how much he probably hated me now. At that notion, I felt like my heart broke into two. A pain emanated from my chest and I don't even know why.

I guess all of these started because of my own wishful thinking. Thinking that he might've been the same as me because of the rumours that Samson and Charles were together yet both of them denied. This meant that Charles might've been available for me. I always had a weakness for Eurasians which was what Charles was. I heard that his dad was from America and his mother was from Singapore. He had such beautiful Asian eyes that were so blue and so clear the oceans of Maldives were put to shame. His hair was brunette and soft like those an angel would have and his face was the shape of a typical Chinese boy. Yet all together, it miraculously turn out to be the face of someone I would call a demi-god, a creation of god. Subliminal and perfect. Yet, he was unattainable. Why does the heaven have to be so cruel to me?

As I walked into the classroom reading my apologies, I stood at the door frame, transfixed by what I saw. I saw a student from 2 classes away together with Charles. Charles was deep in kiss with who was that again? Yes. Joseph. It seems as if Charles was struggling but I'm not very sure. I was about to flee but my feet didn't allow me to. I just stood there like an idiot, staring at the unbelievable sight. I snapped out of my daze when I heard a loud slap. I saw that Charles had landed a slap on Joseph's face. Joseph had the look of anger mixed with happiness and a tad of insanity. In truth, that maddened look scared me. He clutched his face as he felt the after burn sensation of the slap that surely came.

Just then, Charles looked over at my direction. He had the look of hatred and hurt. I didn't really know what was going on between the two. I could've sworn there was more going on. I was about to flee when he stared such an intense look in my direction because I was surely not apt to deal with all of these but strangely, my body still wouldn't move. He quickly took his stuff and left the room quickly only glancing at me when he passed. His eyes were on the verge of tears. Oh, how I wish I could be the one to hold him and comfort him but he probably hates me so much now for this too that I'll never have that chance.

As the door slammed behind me, a teacher shouted, 'who is playing with the doors?' And, that brought me back to reality, to the reality of the classroom with Joseph and me. It was an awkward silence and I was about to be the first to back out.

"Tell me you didn't see anything just now" Joseph said.

"Huh?" I asked, unsure of what he requested of me.

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