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(edited 8/3/15: so many things to start this off with:

1. that collage was the first collages i ever did and i took 3/4 of those pictures on a trip up to my uncle's farm.

2. that was when i was obsessed with broods [still a good band]

3. double titled chapters always mean shit in my world of writing)

Ashton's POV:

I'm so happy to have found Luke on the streets. I knew he was here, I just didn't know where. And I knew Luke would trust me  because of all the shit back in Oz. He ran as soon as word got out, but I stuck around trying to make sure our tracks were covered. And I wasn't suprized when I saw Grace and Everett; he wouldn't trade them for anything. 


Ellena was playing with the two toddlers on the living room floor while Luke and I talked in the kitchen; our voices being drowned out by Ellena's, pretending to be an airplane and the radio that Luke had turned on.
"Ashton, it's been so long, can you believe? I actually think we're free. This is our chance to start over again Ash, make a new name for ourselves." He kept glancing at Ellena and back to me, and I knew what he meant, but-
"I can't."
"I just can't, okay!?" I slammed my hand down on the table, and Ellena looked over at me.
"I think its time to go." I whispered, and Ellena nodded. She started picking up the toys while Luke pulled his phone out, along with a little card.
"Grace, Everett and I are legally becoming U.S citizens soon, if you wanna come. Ash, I'm sorry okay, I really am sorry about what happened to Leslie, but-"
"I'll call you later, Luke. Ellena, you ready?" She appeared by my side, and I nodded in Luke's direction, where he picked up Everett.
"Bye, Ellena, it was nice meeting you, hope to see you soon." Luke said with a smile,' and Ellena smiled back.
"Same, Luke. See you soon." She waved goodbye to his children, and we left.

(edited 8/3/15: i dont understand wtf just happened... my foreshadowing skillz need some major leveling up yo)

--------- 3 days later
Ellena's POV
"Ashton, if you don't slow down, we're going to get killed." I muttered.
Ashton had promised me to go shopping with him, and he stole-but-would-return  his grandma's car that she never used. Christmas was in 5 days, and I had yet to buy anything for Ash, or his grandma. Plus, Luke and his two were coming over for dinner, so all in all, I had some shopping to do. But I wouldn't get any done, if Ashton crashed and killed us.
"Sorry, I just don't understand why Luke has to come." He mumbled, and I looked at him weirdly.
"I thought Luke was your bestest friend in the history of forever?" It came out as a question, and Ashton sighed.
"He thinks he is, but my best friend, is 6 feet under, sooo...." He trailed off and pulled into the Macy's parking garage.
"Oh, I'm sorry, how did he die?"
"She killed herself after finding out she was pregnant," Ashton turned the car off, and looked at me, "and the baby daddy was an idiot and wanted to leave. So, instead of trying, she gave up."  I nodded, and then rubbed his shoulder.

(edited 8/3/15: well damn)

"Let's go shop." Ashton sighed and pushed me off.
"Ash!" I said, and he looked at me.
"What, Ellena?"
I took a deep breath to say something, but decided against it, "Don't be a sour puss." He fought a smile, and said, "fuck off Ellena," before slamming the door shut.
We walked into Graham's, a smelly shop and I knew I had found the thing for Ashton's grandma.
"I think we'll find something here." I said to myself as the aroma of candles engulfed me.
"Hi welcome to Graham's, and -Ash?!" Now who.
"Calum!" I turned to see Ashton and some random guy body-slam into a hug, both laughing.
"Where have you been? It's been like 3 months since anybody heard from you or Luke, and we figured-"
"Well, I'm here now, aren't I? Calum, come meet my friend." Ashton led the guy over, and I absentmindedly quirked my eyebrow at him.
"No, I'm not Asian." His answer through me off, and I steeped backwards, and Ashton muttered words under his breath.
"I-what- asian,-huh." I couldn't form proper sentences, so I just stared at him.
"No, I'm not Asian. People ask me that, so it's just the first thing I tell people."

(edited 8/3/15: IM SO 2011 if ur picking up what im putting down)

"I didn't even - I don't even know-"
"It's okay. I'm like that with everybody. Any who, I'm Calum." He went to shake my hand when a cool breeze made him stop. The front doors had opened, and he sighed.
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door..." He muttered, and I smiled at the P!ATD lyrics. 

(edited 8/3/15: reFERENCES)

"I'm Calum." We shook hands, and I introduced myself.
"Alright, time to do my job; can I help you with anything?"
"Do you have pumpkin spice?" Ashton asked, for that was his grandma's orginial answer when we asked her.
"Yeezus, Ashton, you turning into a white girl or something?" Calum teased.
"Fuck you Calum, its for my grandma." Ashton muttered, and his cheeks blazed.
"Yeah, okey, Ash, whatever. Right this way White Chicks."
a.n> hi! this is probably the last update this weekend. have guitar this weekend, so who knows. Might squeeze small update in Sunday night, idk. My last note still stands, so yeah.
[ pewds]

writing - touch by troye sivan

editing - bridges/mother & father by broods

(edited 8/3/15: literally cannot stand this, but its a good laugh)

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