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Ashton's grandma arrived and she spent a reasonable amount of time in his room. Calum, Vic and I have matched blood type with Ashton and so on rotation we've been giving blood since he's passed out multiple times from his heart and body working over time to make blood. I don't mind giving blood, it really doesn't bother me.
"Ellena, its your turn. I think this'll be the last time any of y'all will have to do this." The nurse's southern accent had long since gotten on my nerves and I just block her out as she blabs about how thankful the hospital is and how lucky Ashton must be to have friends like us. And I'm tearing up because I haven't been that good of a friend, hell, I haven't been a friend. But she's strapping me in the chair again and I blink the tears away. I'm exhausted, my arm hurts, and I need new clothes. I probably smell like ass-butt. ((a.n> aha one of my fav twitcams))
The nurse sticks the needle in the same vein she's been extracting my blood from for the past twenty eight hours, and extracts four tubes of blood... again. This time I'm wobbly, and Luke has to help me down the hallway. After I get my juice and a cookie, the same I've been getting for the past twenty eight hours when I first went in. I agree into letting Amber Lynn and Michael take me home, and when Amber leaves for a moment, I ask Michael why he wanted to leave.

"I don't like hospitals. The last time I was in one was during 9/11. We sat in the hospital for seven hours afterwards, until a nurse pronounced you and Mom 'dead'," I gulp.

"Michael," I whisper, "what brought you to New York?"

"Everyone wants to know that, don't they Ellena? Everyone wants to know what brought them to New York. Was it the lights? The taxi's? The stories and dreams? Maybe. But for me, what brought me to New York? You. Amber Lynn had told me about how she had met you. That was three year ago, El. I've been saving and begging to come here for three years, all on a string of hope that you were actually alive. I couldn't tell Dad why I was coming here, he'd never let me go."

This is my Michael. I fall asleep with that comforting thought.
a.n> so, fun fact this was going to be way longer but cut out whole huge scene because it was irrelevant. anywhos, HELLO MUTHAFUCKERS. I'm backI'll put my social media's in my bio so y'all's can connect, yeah! Also, I'm from Missouri, which is right in the middle of the US of A. So ya. Bye phylicia

editing - another world by one direction

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