Twas The Night Before Christmas

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(edited 8/3/15: s/o to my old glasses u will be dearly missed. also, i thought that was so cool, i dont know what. but apparently it was october when i wrote this, but in the story its christmas... ????)

I'm not sure if it was because we begged and begged or if it was because Ronan was 4 years old, but Ashton and I get to spend Christmas Eve and the later part of Christmas Day with him. The earlier part of Christmas Day, Ashton's grandma invited us over. With all our Christmas shopping done, Ashton and I leave with a couple of presents in the back of my car. The drive is filled with a comfortable silence and Christmas songs. Ashton has "Twas The Night Before Christmas" sitting on his lap, his finger tapping out a rhythm to the song.

"Do you always read this to him?" Ashton gestures to the book.
"Last year, he read it himself, and the two before that my parents read it, so I haven't ever read it to him." I respond, and Ashton nods.
I'm glad that I met Ashton first rather than Luke or Calum because I like how Ashton treats me. He treats me like I'm a strong independent woman, and he treats Ronan like family. He didn't look at me as someone weak who lost everything she ever knew in 9/11, he looks at me like I have potential and worth, and trust me, its been a long time since someone's done that.

(edited 8/3/15: um okay ellena wtf)  

"Let's go attempt." I sigh, and turn the car off, going to opening the door. Ashton grabs my arm, and pulls me back in. He looks me in the eye for a minute, and then starts to chuckle.
"You're so strong Ellena. You aren't attempting, you are doing, okay?" I nod and he let's me go, but not before pressing a kiss to my cheek and to my forehead. I stay there for a few minutes before following.

(edited 8/3/15: random intimacy is what we live for amirite or amirite)

"El! Ash! Merry Christmas Eve!" Ronan's voice doesn't reach its potential cheeriness, and my heart breaks, but I put a smile on my face, and hug him after Ashton.
"Hi Ro. Merry Christmas Eve." I whisper and kiss his cheek.
"Ronan, look what we brought."
"Presents!" After he squeals this, he starts to cough, but regains composure.
"No silly," Ashton continues on as if Ronan didn't just cough out a lung, "Twas the Night Before Christmas!"
"I like that book! Will you read it to me? Please Ash." What. I'm slight hurt by this, but I just put on a smile and curl up next to Ro on the bed. Ashton's voice softly starts.
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
"Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..." As Ashton reads on, Ronan turns to me and whispers, "Ellena, will you marry Ashton? I like him a lot. He always comes and visits me while you're at work. He tells me funny stories about what you guys have done. Don't let him go Ellena." Roman's eyes droop, and he falls asleep.
I watch Ashton for awhile, and when my eyes feel droopy, the last thing I hear is
"Dash away, dash away, dash away all."
a.n> hai. Halloween was fun af. P.that picture is me, lolz I'm ugly
writing - perfume by Britney "bitch" Spears.
editing - dont tell 'em by Jeremih ft. YG (idek)

(edited 8/3/15: i got low self-esteem. also, i dont know how to place a story correctly. and if u noticed, the chapters have all happened between december 4th and christmas ???? im not even that active whut)

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