Illusion // Almost

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  • Dedicated to 5sos coz ive never done them before (ha)

a.n> imma just say rn, yes this is a 1D song.

Amber and I meet at a coffee shop, not the one where we worked, but another one. It was on the verge of going out of business, and Amber and I try to save it, but I can't drink coffee that often, and Amber doesn't even like coffee. But we try, and the two people that work there, know us by heart, and we often tip them more than needed.

"So... I know I haven't, but have you spoken to the boys?" My confrontation with Ashton when I was with Daniel has gone untold to Amber.

"One of the days I got to hang out with Michael, we bumped into Luke and Calum, and plus you have, remember when you and I bumped into Luke?" I swallow, remembering the things Luke told me.

"O-oh, yeah." I swallow, and look out the window.

"You know, when you first asked me why I wanted to leave, I was for sure with my answer. But now... I think New York isn't a bad vacuum. It just sucks everyone up."

"Do you still want to leave?" I look at her, and her eyes meet mine.

"Y'know, I don't really know, Ellena." She slumps in her chair and we sit there, watching the stuck people walking by.

Ashton's POV:

"Ashton, if you don't make a move, I swear, someone else is gonna sweep her off her feet and you'll be in an even worse position than you are now." Amber's blunt statement almost sends me to tears. Almost.

"Alright, Amber Lynn, you tell me, how I'm supposed to waltz up to her and apologize without her flipping out and screaming bloody murder." The sarcasm is almost too much. Almost.

"Ashton, she isn't going to 'flip out and scream bloody murder'. Besides, I don't think she's scared of you anymore. Or else she wouldn't have let Daniel go." I almost drop my cup. Almost.

"She what?"

"Yeah, they broke up last Tuesday. She wouldn't tell me why, but the feeling was mutual. Y'know, I'm not supposed to be talking to you directly."

"You're a big girl, I think you can make your own decisions." I roll my eyes. Ellena's being ridiculous.

"Who said it was Ellena who said I couldn't talk to you?" Did say that out loud?

"Yeah. You better get that checked." I sigh, and slouch in my chair.

"Well, what should I do?"

"You've got till May."

"Why? What's in May?" I'm sitting up straighter as puzzle pieces fit together and I'm afraid to meet Amber's eyes, but my sight is getting blurry as Amber speaks.

"In May she's leaving for UO."
a.n> hai! so there was dance Friday, and went shopping sno update there, then on Saturday had basketball ((FML)) all day, (though i squeezed a couple of updates yay) so that's why there are so many updates, eek. Okay. This'll probably be the last one. might post an extra chapter, but it'll probz just be my social media bc wanna connect with all 2 of you! yay! okay, so um yeah.

writing - silence

editing - the video i put with this

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