Epilogue pt 1 (Night Changes)

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~ 3 years later ~
"Ashton, get off the counter." I glare at him, even though he avoids my stare as he and Ronan giggle like its nobody's business. I sigh and roll my eyes. I bend down to scratch Oscar, our rescue dog's ear, when the doorbell ring. Ashton beats me to it, and in come a group of wild Hemmings.

"Look, its the Hemmings in their natural habitat." Ashton says loudly in a very Australian accent.

"Fuck off Ashton." Luke swears as he takes his family's coat.

"Language!" Vic and I say at the same time. I go over to hug her and the new baby Michael Lynn.

"Hi there, buddy." Green eyes stare at me as he opens his eyes. He starts wailing for mommy, and I hand him back to Vic. Grace, Ronan, and Everett run off to Ronan's room and they're a mess of giggles. I shake my head at them, so happy Ronan is happy after 3 years.

School was tough for him. He was slower than the rest of his class, yep even in kindergarten, so we pulled him durning winter break. He plans to start in August, with Grace. Everett still has a year before he starts. Pounding on the door makes my heart race and I hide behind the corner of the hallway. When a panic-striken Ashton opens the door, Cass and Calum tumble in laughing. I walk out and punch Cass straight in the shoulder.

"Ouch! What was that for?" She rubs her shoulder as they say hello.

"I should say the same to you! No wonder we've gotten noise complaints!" Ashton says, and smacks Calum on the back of the head.

"Where's Elaine?" The absence of the 8 year old is odd.

"She, is out with a friend. Marcie from school invited her to spend the night tonight and we just dropped her off."

"Cal! Cass!" Pitter of feet bring our attention to the three younglings running down the hallway right at Calum's legs.

"My boogers!" He crouches to their levels and they almost tackle him.

"Alright you lot, git. The adults have to talk." Cass hugs them as they leave.
"So, what's life like living in the Taj Mahal?" Calum teases Luke, since he and Vic are the only one's living in an actually home.

"One, Calum, you're a dick. Two, its not the Taj Mahal. Three, it's fine." Vic says and I chuckle.

"Crackerboxes for life! Yeah!" Ashton highfives Cass, Calum and myself, and we laugh.

"Oregon is so spaced out. It feels weird, compared to New York City." Cass remarks, and I agree.

"Yeah, its almost too spacey for someone who's lived their whole life in NYC. But I've gotten used to the space. It's kinda nice. It's cleaner." I agree.

"You better have, it's been 3 years to the day since we arrived here." Calum says.

"Has it been that long? Jesus..." Ashton shakes his head as if he can't believe it.

"Ellena! How is your schooling going?" Luke leans forward, interested.

"Fine. I'm in my 3rd year, and if I work out the whole scholarship, I'll only have 5 more afterwards."

"Is it still something you wanna do?" Vic asks, passing a sleeping Michael to Luke.

"Oh yes. I love photography. I like finding the beautiful little things. Plus, I have the perfect model as well."

"Damn, I can't get Ashton to sit through an hour and a half movie, how do you get him to pose for you?" Cass asks, and I snort.

"I meant Ronan. I never even asked Ash."

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Ashton turns to me, a smirk on his face and I shrug, smiling.

"You two are seriously, ugh." Cass groans and leans on Calum.

"Ugh? What does that even mean?" Ashton throws his hands up in confusion as we all laugh.
It's probably around 9 pm, before everyone leaves and Ronan is in bed, before I finally join Ashton in our shared bed. He has his glasses on, and is reading some book. The blankets are pulled up to his waist, and his bare chest is wide open. Not that I'm complaining. I get in next to him, and turn on the TV, putting the sound on low. Laying my head on his shoulder, I watch the weather forecast and how, surprise, surprise, more rain. All it does in Oregon is rain. I wish for a change of weather as I look at the words on Ashton's book. ((a.n> paragraph---->>>))

"Whatcha readin'?" I annoyingly ask, and Ashton sighs, shutting the book and lays it on his side table, sitting his glasses next to it. He pats my hand.

"Ellena, I was wondering about when and if-"

"El? Can I sleep with you guys? I had a nightmare." Ronan's too cute to turn away, so I lift the comforter up and he slides in between Ashton and I. Ronan curls into Ashton's side and is out like a light.

"What were you saying, Ashton?" I whisper, but Ashton has already rolled over and is asleep as well, so I figure its time to to bed as well.
The next morning, Ashton and I awake at the same time and head to the kitchen.

"Ash, you were wondering about something last night before Ronan came in, whats was it?" Ashton's cheek tinge a pinkish color, and he shales his head, muttering about how it was stupid.

"Well, it can't be stupid if you brought it up, c'mon, Ash, you can tell me." I say, coaxing him.

"I want kids!" He blurts, eyes wide and cheeks red.
a.n> so i'm going to do both 3 years and 5 years, whooo. So, from when september officially ended, to the next epilogue is 8 whopping years whoo

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