Thank You....

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  • Dedicated to everyone for what you've done

So, when I started this story back in September |thinking it was the 19th or somewhere along that| I was basically writing this because I felt like doing something with these dumb ideas and posting them instead of on a storage file on MY own computer so I hopped on the main desktop and did this. Now, compared to the stories there are nowadays, I am pitiful. But because I'm what I'd like to call "Up and Coming" everything means alot. Basically, this story is shit and I'm not sure why its still up or why there's almost 1k reads. 

Anyways, in 2015, I'm going to be really into my writing and putting everything I can into my upcoming series. PA,K,T,S which translates to: Paper Airplanes, Knots, Toys, and Starbucks. I've already explained Paper Airplanes, Knots, and Toys but Starbucks is the Calum one that I blocked myself from talking about. 

Starbucks: the extra coffee she bought was never drank until he asked for it

Okay, anyways.

I want to thank you all (*luke voice in the distance: all 3 of you*) because you've made me want to continue writing and doing what I love. So, until 2015, have a safe and happy new years you noobs, logging out




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