Stockholm Syndrome // Cass. Cassandra Blakely.

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  • Dedicated to one direction for existing thanks

Stockholm Syndrome; n. feelings for your kidnapper

The words blur between lines, and a minor headache starts forming, so I slam the book shut. I don't even know why I was reading it, nor why I was at a library. But I'd been coming here lately. It gets my mind off of all the shit in life, so I retreat here. The silence of the library was eerie, but I let it slide. Might just be what I just read. I mean, who would fall in love with their kidnapper?

I sigh, and slide out of the booth I'm in, and stand up, when I bump into a young man, sending his books and glasses flying. He's already apologizing, so I just bend down to help him. When he looks up, I'm met with eyes bluer than Luke's. His hair is a soft brown, and his cute lil face is all red with embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry." We both say at the same time, our voices reaching just a bit above a whisper. I smile at him, and he smiles shyly back. Holy shit.

"Nah, its okay. It's my fault. 'M Daniel." He mumbles.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I bumped into you. And I'm Ellena." He looks over my face, and then he looks me in the eye.

"Hi." We both stand up, and I pick his glasses up, dust them off like what I used to do with Ash-


I hand Daniel his glasses back.

"You should call me sometime." I give him my number, and walk out, floating on my new-found confidence. Smooth, Ellena, smooth.
Calum's POV: ((a.n>  fun fact: calum's POV is my 3rd fav POV to write in lolz))
If I could find a way to redo all the shit Ashton caused, here, and in Oz, trust me, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I never wanted this. I never wanted to be constantly in fear of people finding out, I technically helped a murderer escape. And I would've turned him in, if he wasn't my best friend. I knew Ash wasn't a bad guy, he just did some bad things. I think Ashton is toxic, but we can't let him go, because he's also what keeps us together. I don't think any of us even know what happened to Leslie's body. And I don't think any of us want to know.
Okay, I'll admit it, I have the 'WGD' in me. What is the WGD, yoiu ask? White Girl Disease. I do enjoy a good Starbucks here and there. But I either get just a plain hot chocolate, or a double chocolate shake thingy, and I can never remember what its called. And because I don't want to go back to the apartment to deal with an aggravatingly depressed Ashton and an overly worked and annoyed Luke, I'll just go to Starbucks and use their free wifi, I mean that's what its there for. The bell dings as I open the door, and I notice that its pretty much empty. This is weird.

I walk up to the counter, and a short plump girl smiles at me, revealing a dimple in her right cheek.

"Hi! I'm Cass, and I'll help ya today! What can I getcha?" Her accent throws me off, and I stare blankly at her for a minute, before realizing I'm been creepy and order my hot chocolate. Her hair is a dark green with bits of purple, but her eyes are are so brown, and warm, that I can't look away. She's got a tattoo on her neck, and I can see curls of letters, and when she hands me my change, I can see a name written on her wrist: Damien.

"I, uh, like your tattoos." I stutter, trying to start conversation while waiting. She looks at me, an amused look makes her perfect eyebrow lift.

"And I like your hair. You aren't from here, are you?" She smacks the side of the machine and it whirs to life again. I suddenly become aware and self-conscious of the blonde streaks Luke put in my hair, and tug my beanie down, while nodding.

"New Zealand?" She guesses, and leans against the counter. When she rests her head on her hand, I can see the muscles in her arm, giving her a defined arm.

"Close. Australia. Sydney, to be exact." She nods, and smiles, giving me that stupid one dimpled smile, and hands me my hot chocolate.

"Have a good day..."

"Calum. Calum Hood. You as well..."

"Cass. Cassandra Blakely."

a.n> lolz.
SO MAY OR NAH KNOW DIS BUT RLLY LIKE 1D'MUSIC. ((NOTE: SAID MUSIC SPECIFICALLY)). AND MY FAVE SONG IS STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH CHAPTER, BUT I WAS JAMMIN' TO IT AND YEAH. SO NOW, ALL that's left is Luke needs to get some boobs, and every boy has significant other. Lol, might make Luke gay, ha. No, kidding. Any who, have great day, ur all so fab, *sigh*


writing stockholm syndrome by one direction

editing - fool's gold by one direction

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