requests open + new sponser

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Hello dear readers of mine!! I'm sorry I haven't been uploading much lately as I've been pretty busy now that school has started again. I just wanted to ask you all a quick favor. I was recently contacted by a wonderful company called JustSave. They have very high quality clothing, made out of 100% cotton and no toxic chemicals whatsoever. They have multiple programs that are helping with funding towards certain parts of the world that are being damaged beyond belief. They have a program for wildlife funding, ocean funding, and the Amazon funding. When you purchase anything from their website half the proceeds goes towards removing plastic and dangerous objects out of the ocean. The rest of the proceeds go towards protecting endangered species of the world and sending funds to WorldWildlifeFund. I am urging you guys to get check out their websites and treat yourself to something cute, as you're not only helping the environment that our future generations have to live in, but you're also doing it with style. You can check out their products at now, and read directly for yourself where different funding goes, and what the products are made out of. Thank y'all, and now that I've explained everything, requests are officially open again ;) Have a nice day guys !!!

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