Chapter nine

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I drove off, thinking how I just abandoned my dad like that and just drove straight on. I rolled down my window to get a bit of fresh air in my hot car, and my bushy brown hair flew around everywhere from the wind. I didn't know where I was going, just that Draco was coming to find me and collect me, or something like that.

I heard a bang from my car door, and jumped in alarm. I sighed in relief as I just saw that it was Draco.

"Your father won't be mad at you for long I'm sure." Draco comforted from through my window. He was riding on my car door. He opened my door on my side, the driver's side, and held onto the wheel where I was holding. "How about I drive for now? We'll get there faster." Draco added. I moved over to the passengers seat, and Draco grabbed hold of the stirring wheel of my car and got into the drivers seat.

"He won't, my dad won't forgive me! I just left him without a proper good explanation!" I mumbled, on the verge of tears. There was another bang on my car roof and i gasped, panicking. Could it be Oliver, the tracker!? Draco knew how bad i was panicking.

"Relax Mione, it's just Blaise. He's riding with us on the roof." Draco whispered. I sighed a breath of relief. "And Pansy is following us in the car behind." Draco added.

Not long after, we arrived at the Malfoy's house. Both my car and Pansy's were parked in front of their house and then me, Pansy, Draco and Blaise. We entered the house and immediately saw Lucius with Steven, Oliver's 'buddy'.

Draco also noticed Steven, and he wrapped an arm protectively around me and scowled at the tracker's friend.

"No, wait! He's came to warn us about Oliver and Astoria!" Lucius exclaimed.

"Listen.. Oliver is a really skilled tracker! I've been alive for more than 350 years, and I've never seen a tracker as skilled as Oliver. So look out for him! And Astoria? She is full of surprises. She may not strike so soon when Oliver does, but Astoria will try and get to Hermione, if Oliver fails, when you both least expect it. Beware of them both." Steven explained. And then he left.

We met with Theo, Daphne and Narcissa down in the garage, where two getaway cars lay. The ones that Theo and Blaise went out and stole earlier that day.

"We'll have no choice but rip him in to pieces and throw him in the fire to burn!" Draco stated to everyone, guiding me into the garage. "I can't takeHermione! Someone else'll have to take her. Oliver will know that Hermione will be with me, I have to try and lead him away from her. Who wouldn't mind taking her?" Draco asked. Pansy stepped forward, brushing her long, brown, wavy hair behind her shoulders.

"I'll take her!" Pansy volunteered, and went to grab my arm. But Draco hesitated in letting me go. "Trust me Draco... I promise I'll keep her safe." Pansy added. Draco slowly let me go, and Pansy guided me over to one of the two stolen cars, and I climbed in the backseat. Pansy got in the passenger seat, and Theo got in the drivers seat. I rolled down my window so I could hear Draco talking.

"Narcissa, Daphne? Here, wear these! It has Hermione's scent on them. Hopefully Oliver will pick up on it and follow us, not Hermione." Draco mumbled, passing Narcissa and Daphne these suits.

"Why?" Daphne asked. I turned slowly to face her from where i was in the car. "What does she have to do with me?" Daphne added. Lucius walked over to Daphne.

"Daphne, please. Draco and Hermione are together, whether you like it or not. She is now officially part of our family! And we all will do anything to protect our family." Lucius convinced. After hesitating, Daphne finally slid the suit over her clothes that had my scent on it. And then Draco walked over to me and leant down to where I was through the open window.

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