Book three - chapter seven

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A wolf came out from nowhere. Colin, most likely. And pounced on George before he could get to me and Draco. For a fourteen year old, Colin really was skilled. He managed to rip half of George's arm off, making him roar in pain.

I turned my attention to Astoria to see her jumping down from the tree branch and then she ran in the opposite direction. She was going to leave, and probably try and make another army.

"This is your last chance!!" Draco yelled after Astoria. Astoria stopped running and span around to face Draco and I.

I could still hear Colin's growls and George's yelps of pain in the background but my eyes were glued on Draco and Astoria. Draco let his arm fall from around my waist and stepped closer to Astoria.

"You want me to feel the pain by killing Hermione! The pain that you felt when i killed your mate, Oliver, so now you're trying to kill mine!" I felt a small smile tug on my lips when Draco called me his mate. "The pain when I tore up Oliver, by tearing him apart and turning him into nothing but ash. Nothing but dust."

Astoria's jaw twitched and she began to shake with anger. Draco took another dangerous and risky step towards Astoria. She could pounce on Draco at any moment. My feet were plastered to the snowy ground.

"When me and my family threw him into the fire, to leave him as nothing." And that did it.

When Draco said that, Astoria charged at him, but Draco was ready and pushed her forcefully back when she reached him. But Astoria charged again, and took Draco a tiny bit by surprise and they both skidded across the snow.

Astoria jumped up off of the ground before Draco and went to run at me. But Draco grabbed the back of her jumper and threw her against a tree. Astoria acted like a monkey and climbed to the top of the tree, throwing me one death glare.

Draco grabbed my hand and gestured for me to go hide and just observe. So I hid behind a bush.

Draco ran to the bottom of the tree and attempted to push it over. And after a few seconds, the tree came falling to the ground, along with Astoria.

Astoria stood up and went to charge at me again. But Draco dived straight for her and pinned her to the ground, pushing the brunette vampire deeper into the snow. I saw George stand up from by the boulders and forcefully kick Colin into one. I grit my teeth.

George ran over and went to also jump on Draco, but Draco was expecting that and pushed George's face into the snow. Astoria got up and grabbed Draco by the head, making him let go of George and so George also grabbed Draco's head, ready to snap it right off. I needed to do something, anything!!

I remembered what the quileute legends were talking about. So I ran over to the fallen down tree to find the first thing sharp, and Draco caught my gaze and knew what I was doing. I slit my arm with the first sharp thing I found and blood trickled down my arm and fingers.

Astoria and George smelt the blood and their heads snapped in my direction. They both dropped Draco to look at me, and Draco took the opportunity to strike while I had distracted the bad vampires.

Draco head butted George and punched Astoria across the face. Colin had come back from by the boulders and took a big bite out of George's shoulder, dragging him backwards.

"Astoria! Astoria, help me!" George yelled. Astoria didn't even acknowledge George in pain, and just glared at Draco and I. Astoria went to charge at me, but Draco got in the way.

Draco grabbed Astoria by the neck and forced her to do a back flip. But Astoria landed it perfectly. And then charged again, but Draco grabbed Astoria's neck again and bit into it hard, ripping her neck off. Astoria fell to the ground, dead.

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