Book three - chapter one

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I sat on the field. Our field. Me and Draco met here every day from 2:00 to 4:00, and did all sorts of things. It was right by where I found out Draco was a vampire, it was where I was almost killed by Steven, and it was near where Draco had asked me to marry him.

Draco tucked a strand of hair behind my ear that had fallen into my face, and brought me closer to him until our lips met in the middle. I kissed back obviously, I loved his sweet kisses. After we broke apart, Draco rested his forehead on mine. 

"Marry me." He breathed. I smirked slightly with our foreheads still touching.

"No." I replied with a small smirk. Draco just chuckled and pecked me on the lips quickly once more. Draco moved his hand to caress my cheek, forcing me to look at him.

"Marry me." Draco repeated in a whisper. Fine, I have an idea. I smirked again.

"Change me." I retorted. Draco chuckled again and leant towards my ear.

"I will change you if you agree to marry me." Draco whispered. "Lets make it a little compromise of ours." Draco added, leaning away from my ear. I pushed him back so I was hovering over him with my hands on either side of his face. I leant down so my lips were centimeters away from Draco's.

"That's so not fair. Marriage is just... It's a simple piece of paper." I murmured.

"Well, where I come from, its a way to let everyone know that I will never stop loving you. It's a way to tell everybody that we are bound together for as long as you live." Draco explained, emphasizing the world 'you'. I brushed it off and smiled a small smile.

"Well, from where I come from at my young age, it's a way to let everyone know that I've apparently been knocked up." I chuckled, still towering over Draco. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then sat up properly, Draco also sat up.

"So you're worried about what people will think about you marrying me so soon?" Draco asked, but it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Did you know over half of marriages around the world end in divorce?" I whispered. Draco smirked and pulled me onto his lap. I snuggled into his chest, getting nice and comfortable.

"Well obviously you have never seen a vampire-human married couple before." Draco stated. He leant down to my ear again. "The divorce rate is a little bit lower, you know." Draco added. I stayed silent and looked up into Draco's eyes. He smiled down at me before turning serious. "Just... Marry me." He said in barely a whisper.

"I can't." I responded, just as quiet. "I have to be back home by four, I don't wanna be late." I added, climbing off of Draco's lap. I turned quickly took Draco and kissed him once more, which lasted for quite a while, before I stood up. I waved at him and walked in the direction of my house.

I made it home and walked into the living room to find Richard sitting on the sofa with a newspaper in one hand and a drink in the other. He turned in my direction once he heard my footsteps, put his drink down and then looked at his watch.

"Exactly four o'clock, not a minute late." Richard mentioned as i sat down on the sofa beside him. Richard put down his newspaper when I stayed silent, and turned to face me. "Look 'Mione, you do understand why I've had to punish you, right?" Richard added. I slowly nodded.

"Yes dad, I get that I put you through hell and I'm sorry." I answered. Richard was the one to slowly nod then.

"You certainly did! But I've had other reasons that I've used to ground you." Richard stated. I shifted in my seat to get more comfortable and leant back.

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