Book three - chapter three

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"Do you know who it was?" Lucius asked. Draco had just finished explaining about the scent that came from my room.

"I didn't recognise the scent, but it wasn't a human so it couldn't have been Richard. It was a vampire." Draco stated.

"Any vampire wouldn't have left a human alive in the same building as them, even grown vampires have trouble with that. So why would they leave Hermione's father alive?" Daphne questioned. And then Blaise and Theo entered the room.

"The scent disappeared about five miles west from Hermione's house, just past the river not far from the cliff." Theo informed.

"It couldn't have been Astoria, I've been tracking her decisions. It has to have been someone else." Pansy said.

"It has to have been someone who has met Hermione well enough. Maybe the Volturi?" Draco suggested. Pansy shook her head.

"I don't think so. I've also been tracking Voldemort's decisions for a while now too, just in case. But I don't know who else it could've been." Pansy responded.

"We'll all have to take it in turns to watch over Hermione's house, to protect her and her Father and watch if anyone enters or exits that house." Lucius stated. Daphne groaned, leaning back against the wall as she flicked her blond hair back over her shoulder.

"Great, more protection for the human." Daphne mumbled. Lucius stepped forward towards Daphne and looked down at her sternly.

"Daphne.. Don't." Lucius warned quietly. I then spoke up.

"No, she's right! You can't protect me and Richard, look after yourselves and not starve! You need to hunt, and you won't have time if you are protecting us." I explained.

"None of us are just going to leave you to protect yourself against blood thirsty vampires." Draco muttered. I looked over at him, and then at all the rest.

"You need to think about yourselves too though, you can't all just starve yourselves." I tried to persuade. "And I won't completely just have to protect myself alone. I'll have..." I looked back up at Draco, waiting for his reaction. "I'll have Ronald."


I walked back out of my house with Ron strolling behind me. We walked over to Draco, who was leaning against the front of my house in the driveway.

"Whoever it was, has definitely not been a blood-sucker for long. Their vampire stench is new, it'll be very easy to identify the smell when we come close to them." Ron explained.

"Just drop it, me and my family can handle this. We don't need you to sort this one out." Draco sneered at Ron. And then Draco glanced at me. "We're done here." He was about to walk off, reaching for my hand, but Ron grabbed Draco's arm.

"No, you're done here!" Ron hissed. Draco took a dangerous step towards Ron when I jumped in between them.

"Stop it, both of you! Stop acting so damn childish! I need you both, so you're just gonna have to get along if you both want to stay." I said.

Draco hated the idea, but it wasn't about rivalry anymore. It was about my safety, and Richard's. And the days that followed, I got them to at least try and work together. The wolves took over guarding my house so the Malfoy's could hunt. It wasn't exactly an easy alliance.

The next day, Draco drove me down a road between a little forest, where we met Ron in his small-ish truck. Ron was leaning against his car with an unreadable expression. His hands were shoved into his jeans pockets, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. This made Draco scoff as he opened the car door for me, and I stepped out.

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