Chapter seven

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"So, does a person have to be on the verge of death? To become a vampire?" I asked during mine and Draco's free period. We found a small cliff and sat on the edge of it, chatting.

"Um no, only Lucius does that. He says that a person shouldn't become one of us if they had another choice." Draco stated.

"So how long have you been like this? A vampire, I mean." I asked.

"Since 1918. I was in the hospital. Another day or two and I would've died from a Spanish influenza. My real blood relatives had already suffered from the disease and had died, and I was so close to dying too. But because Lucius found me so young, he let me live. By making me one of his kind." Draco explained.

"What was it like when you become one?" I questioned.

"Painful. Like a thousand knives stabbing into my body. The venom was worse than any other pain imaginable, but what Lucius had done was alot worse than the pain I felt. Lucius has been able to control his bloodlust thirst for over 300 years, and not many grown vampires still manage to control themselves as well as Lucius. If he had kept going and didn't stop, I would've died faster. It's when he stopped, then that made me who I am now." Draco answered. "It's almost impossible to stop once you've bitten and started." Draco added.

"Who did Lucius change next? After he changed you?" I asked again. I had so many question that I was DYING to get off my chest!

"His wife Narcissa, my adoptive mother. Lucius changed her in 1921, three years after he changed me." Draco stated.

"So was it Lucius' idea to just kill animals and not humans?" I question. Draco looked away from my gaze and slowly shook his head.

"No, it wasn't his idea. Me and my Family, we all thought it was better! None of my family or me want to be murderers! We hate that our kind is the most wanted predator, and we don't want to turn into that and become killers." Draco explained. I decided to ask another question out of the thousands that I want to ask.

"Then was it other vampires who were committing those murders not far from here? Like the one at the gas station?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there are tons of our kind around the world. And sometimes we see them. We are friends with some of them, but not all of us are good." Draco answered.

"Can any other vampires read minds like you can?" I asked.

"No, that's only me. Only half of us have powers. There are only two of us out of my family though, but lots more have special abilities who aren't in our family. There is only me and Pansy who have them in our family. I can read minds and Pansy can see the future." Draco stated.

"Oh. I bet she saw that I would've been a part of your life, yeah? She must've known that I'll find out about you and your family." I said.

"No, she actually didn't see you coming! You see... When someone changes their mind, the vision changes. So I don't think Pansy saw you because the vision must've changed." Draco explained.

Our free period was almost over. So we talked for a few more minutes, and then went back to school.

But later on that evening, I let Richard know that I'd be in the driveway just washing my car, and then grabbed some sponges and a bucket full of soap and water, and walked over to clean my car. I plugged my headphones in, blocking out all sounds around me.

And then my car shook. I looked up and saw that Draco was standing on the roof of my car. He jumped down right in front of me and smiled at me. I took my headphones out of my ears.

"Jeez, Draco! Can't you act just a little bit normal? We have neighbours around here." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow!" Draco exclaimed. I got all of a sudden slightly nervous.

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