Chapter eight

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I park my truck by the restaurant that I meet Richard at every day for dinner and hop out, immediately faced by Harry. I smiled at him, he was a good friend.

"What's up Hermione! So you and Draco Malfoy are together now, eh?" Harry grinned, but I could tell that it was a fake grin. I nod slowly. "Wow. That's.. That's... No, I don't like it. He just looks at you with lust-filled eyes. It's disgusting." Harry grimaced. I mentally chuckled. Jealous much?

I just stayed silent and walked into the restaurant to see Richard sitting at our usual table. I walked over and sat opposite him.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a school project to complete." I apologized. Richard nodded in understanding.

"Oh that's okay. But i hope you don't mind, i ordered you the mushroom ravioli." Richard stated. I shook my head.

"No that's okay, it looks delicious." I replied just as our food arrived. Richard looked behind me and then humorlessly chuckled.

"Looks like your friends are having fun." Richard pointed out. I turned around out the window to see Harry, Neville, Seamus and some other random boys dancing like maniacs and being really weird. I half heartedly chuckled. "You can go join them if you want, I don't mind." Richard added.

"No that's okay. I'm pretty tired, I might just go home and go to sleep." I replied. Richard turned to face me again.

"Hermione, it's Friday night! Go out, meet some friends, have fun." Richard tried to persuade. I shook my head, I didn't want to go out. "Okay, if that's what you want. Those boys outside though all seem to have taken a liking to you. But how about you, do you like any boys in town?" Richard asked.

"Dad, I'd rather not talk about boys just yet." I chuckled humorlessly again. And then we ate in comfortable silence, before we left.

That night, I called my mum. Just to check in like i did at least twice a week.

"So honey, me and Kevin have been looking at houses around here, and I think you'd really like it once we find a permanent home." My mum explained.

"Oh.. But, mum, I've really been enjoying Atlanta." I replied through my phone. It was like my mum could see me blush through the phone.

"Could a particular boy have anything to do with this?" My mum, Jean, questioned. I blushed deeper and smiled widely.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Oh my god, you have to tell me every little detail! What is he? A jock, a nerd? Indie? Maybe an artist?" Jean fired questions at me. And then I heard a noise from my window and jumped in shock, turning towards the noise. Draco was bloody in my room, walking over to the edge of my bed! He sat on it and smiled at me. I gasped.

"Look mum, I'll have to call you back!" I rushed out. My mum was about to reply but I ended the call and put my phone on my nightstand before moving forward to sit beside Draco. "Draco. How did you get in?" I asked.

"The window." He answered with a half smirk half smile. And then he went serious. "I just came here t-to try one thing.." He stuttered. He glanced down at my lips and then back into my eyes. "Don't move." And before i could reply, i felt Draco's lips on mine.

I felt Draco smile against the kiss and so did I. I pushed him back slightly so i can sit on my knees. We pulled apart to catch our breaths, but more like for me to catch my breath, panting slightly, and then he pressed his lips to mine again and pushed me back towards the headboard of my bed so he was hovering over me. The kiss began to get more passionate and heated, before Draco jumped back with lightening speed and landed at the other end of my room.

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